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Re: [rda-collection-wg] Reminder: Web Conference Today – minutes

  • Creator
  • #122451

    next meeting: May 10, 09:00 EDT/15:00 CEST.
    My notes (not too much…):
    * 3 subtasks: definitions, models, API
    * Definitions discussion – updates are already in the definitions tool
    * Need to have a better structure around our discussions so others can
    follow – wiki, github – too many places to look at
    o Before P8: Put all work of subtasks into RDA wiki (as a current
    state of the art version, also suitable for newcomers)
    o Until then, different tools can be used, e.g. gitHub or Google
    for the living documents
    o Tom to compile a first draft of the deliverable across all of
    these subtasks before P8
    * Example workflow for API usage:
    * PIT included to abstract from concrete object type (image, video
    etc.) and leave that up to implementation or consumer
    * Model should allow to query for duplication
    * Model types: space gets too large, so instead of fixed models a
    record of properties
    o Suggestion Frederik: still, goal was originally to describe such
    models; can’t we get to a hybrid solution?
    o trait model? abstract classes that you can mix together and they
    tell you about the methods
    o what traits might give over properties: rules – if property X
    has value A, property Y must have value B
    * Next meeting in 2 weeks; try to split up communication/coordination
    meetings from detail discussions
    Best, Tobias
    ——– Original Message ——–
    *Subject: *[rda-collection-wg] Reminder: Web Conference Today
    *From: *balmas
    *To: *Research Data Collections WG

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