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RDA Research Data Collections WG – Update

  • Creator
  • #101236

    Dear Co-chairs
    We are contacting you with regard to your RDA Research Data Collections WG, more specifically to seek clarification on the Group’s level of activity. We note that the Group has been in maintenance mode since early 2019, but has not had a working session at an RDA Plenary since P11 and there does not seem to have been any activity on the group page or mailing list since 2019, nor have we received any information about new adoptions of the group’s Recommendation.
    At this point, your group looks like it is inactive and may need to be retired. However, we would love to hear of any activity your group has undertaken in maintaining its Recommendation.
    Please respond to this email by 15th August 2021. Of course, if you have any questions, we would be happy to answer them.
    Thank you very much!
    Best wishes
    RDA Secretariat

  • Author
  • #129444

    Dear RDA secretariat,
    it is indeed fitting that we retire this group. The RDA Data Fabric IG
    is a suitable venue to continue activities on Collections; in fact, an
    updated API was brought up in the IG earlier this year. I will update
    the group page with a closing statement accordingly.
    Best, Tobias

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