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Notes from yesterday’s call; next call on July 25 14:00 UTC

  • Creator
  • #118492

    The next conference call will be on July 25. The call on Aug 8 is likely
    to be canceled as multiple people are unavailable. August 29 will be our
    review call for the recommendation package that should be ready on Aug 28.
    Updates on action items from last meeting:
    * Ulrich has added Collections Objects and Properties to the DTR. He
    provided the PIDs in a separate mail. Due to the provisional nature
    of the DTR and the late stage of the project, we probably don’t have
    time to incorporate this as part of the recommendation, but it
    should be included in an appendix at least. Frederik would like to
    implement a switch in the Perseids implementation which would show
    how the DTR PIDs could replace the object property names, but Thomas
    disputes the practicality of this. This discussion can/should
    continue via email, but at a minimum we will include the DTR work in
    the appendix.
    * Frederik has been working on the implementation support for CRUD
    operations on multiple items – implementation was more complex and
    took more time than expected, but it’s nearly complete and group
    agrees that this should be a change we make to the swagger
    specification. Frederik will make this change, and the other
    outstanding swagger API specification changes by the end of July
    New action items:
    * Bridget to summarize impact of Frederik’s API changes and post to
    the group list (by first week of August)
    * Thomas to update the REPTOR implementation for the API changes and
    update the recommendation document with the details of his
    implementation (by Aug 28)
    * Federik to add Perseids Manifold implementation details to the
    recommendation document (by Aug 28)
    * Bridget to contact Javier to remind him to add GEOFON details to the
    recommendation (will do today or tomorrow)
    * Tobias to work on conceptual model parts of the recommendation
    document (by Aug 28)
    * Bridget to work on intro/summary, and individual other items (RPID,
    Fedora/DH feedback, etc.) in the recommendation document (by Aug 28)
    * Ulrich to provide DTR appendix (by Aug 28)
    * Maggie will review the near-final document and provide feedback (by
    Sep 6?)
    * Bridget, Tobias, Ulrich will be responsible for creating final
    version of recommendation package by September 15
    * Tobias to contact Timea to be able to edit the session description
    and update it as necessary. One item is to put a reference to
    Ulrich’s DTR work in there (somewhere with the implementation
    Discussion on the API specification:
    * We discussed aspects of how to make a good ‘recommendation package’.
    The following points are noted here so we can revisist them later:
    o We agree that the final recommendation document will be a PDF
    that includes a human readable version of the swager spec as
    well as the JSON, with pointers to the GitHub Repo.
    o The JSON must also go into the recommendation package as a
    separate file as this can be implemented against
    o Docker images should be made of the implementations (but the
    recommendation will indicate that these are not expected to be
    long-living representations).
    o We should properly tag/milestone the repositories at time of the
    final release
    o Bridget, Tobias and probably Ulrich will present the group
    outputs at P10
    * What happens after M18?
    o Quite open, but the recommendation has to be done at P10.
    o There might be future development in the GitHub repositories and
    follow-up sessions at P11/12. We could spent some last minutes
    at the end of our P10 session on this.
    o Possible perspectives with Bridget/Frederik’s actions on DH2017
    and Fedora

    Dr. Tobias Weigel
    Abteilung Datenmanagement
    Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH (DKRZ)
    Bundesstraße 45 a • 20146 Hamburg • Germany
    Phone: +49 40 460094-104
    Email: ***@***.***
    Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Ludwig
    Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg
    Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 39784

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