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Notes from collection WG call July 25

  • Creator
  • #118360

    Next call: August 29 (recommendation review call)
    Call on August 8 is cancelled.
    Notes on recommendation/spec work in progress:
    * If you have worked on an issue and want someone to review it, please
    assign it to Tobias using GitHub – he will play the editor for it
    o Bridget will be the editor for Tobias’ issues
    * Bridget: revised permissions section; worked on introduction and 2.1
    – argued for why we did the capabilities stuff
    o also: post to Fedora list
    o will add a section on this
    * Action Tobias: review Bridget’s changes on permissions again and on 2.1
    * Might want to look again at order of sections wrt definitions coming
    after capabilities stuff and whether the introduction is sufficient
    introducing the basic concepts
    * Tom: is waiting for API spec to be complete to update Reptor and
    include text on it in rec doc
    o Action Frederik: Review remaining work on spec again, report to
    * Frederik: Streaming async requests (#14) – could be put into a
    future work section in the rec document – Frederik can write sth up
    for us to review and decide on whether/how to put this in
    * Tom: DFT connection – collection definitions in the DFT wiki are
    outdated/conflicting; might want to have a look at them again, but
    based on our document
    * Action Tobias (later): ask Maggie whether she could be reviewer for
    the near final version
    * Implementation issues (Bridget/Frederik):
    o performance issues; need to introduce pagination?; do pagination
    at DB level
    Future issues:
    * #13/#7: Follow up again with him (Action bridget)
    o #7 could also be done by us by pulling stuff from his slides.
    * New issue: Ask CAU whether they want to have their use case in
    (Action Tobias)
    * New issue: Look at requirements section (Action Tobias)
    * New issue: DTR stuff from Ulrich (Action Tobias: contact Ulrich and
    ask whether he can do this)

    Dr. Tobias Weigel
    Abteilung Datenmanagement
    Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH (DKRZ)
    Bundesstraße 45 a • 20146 Hamburg • Germany
    Phone: +49 40 460094-104
    Email: ***@***.***
    Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Ludwig
    Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg
    Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 39784

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