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Metadata for collections

  • Creator
  • #122035

    Dear all,
    Another point: which metadata we want to add to a collection? Some
    The easiest case: a collection has only its own identifier, no more
    other metadata. Disadvantages would be that a potential user needs
    already to know about the collection. Displaying / exploring through a
    bunch of collections would be difficult.
    We leave that topic to other APIs like the PIT API or DTR.
    The collection API itself is able to store / handle metadata about the
    If we are going with b) or c), a set of metadata needs to be defined,
    independently where the (meta)data is stored / handled later on. A
    possible solution would be to have just a Dublin Core record: it is well
    known and the 15 core fields would all make sense in the scope of a

    Dr. Thomas Zastrow
    Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF)
    Gießenbachstr. 2, D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany
    Tel +49-89-3299-1457

  • Author
  • #132962

    Hello Tom,
    so far, I understood things as that the Collection API would surely
    provide metadata in the widest sense as far as it concerns the life
    cycle of the collection and questions about item membership. An
    extension could be to include things such as versioning and provenance
    as these are points that automated object management may require.
    Another extension would be the most basic information about the
    “contents”, and this is where I can well see that we wanto to rely on
    Dublin Core. On the other hand, we should be as parsimonious as we can
    be when it comes to such additional metadata because not every use case
    will be able to provide such while still wishing to make a significant
    part of the metadata elements mandatory.
    A possible metaphor describing the boundaries is that of talking about
    objects managed through collections, where the objects are located in a
    distributed manner somewhere (in the cloud), as an abstraction layer
    going beyond the traditional view where we have files managed through
    filesystems and their directory structure. But clearly, the boundaries
    are not defined yet, and I am not sure whether there is consensus also
    among the use cases for this.
    Best, Tobias
    ——– Original Message ——–
    Subject: [rda-collection-wg] Metadata for collections
    From: ThomasZastrow

    To: RDA Collections WG
    Date: 06 Jun 2016, 10:35

    Tobias Weigel
    Abteilung Datenmanagement
    Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH (DKRZ)
    Bundesstraße 45 a • 20146 Hamburg • Germany
    Phone: +49 40 460094-104
    Email: ***@***.***
    Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Ludwig
    Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg
    Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 39784

  • #132954

    Hi all,
    I agree with Tobias’ comments here.
    I think the first point, “metadata in the widest sense as far as it
    concerns the life cycle of the collection and questions about item
    membership” is what we previously had been discussing as the
    “capabilities” of the collection, and that general descriptive metadata,
    such as could be expressed in Dublin Core, would be distinct from that.
    I do think the API might need a general ability to get/set metadata on a
    collection but I don’t think we should care too much about what it is.
    Maybe we could recommend for general descriptive metadata that it use a
    controlled vocabulary, and a capability of the collection then might be
    to declare which?

  • #132950

    I think this sounds like a good compromise to get the descriptive
    metadata covered without diluting the core capabilities of the API too
    much. I will include a note in the document – still more to define, but
    this seems like a good principle to me.
    Best, Tobias
    ——– Original Message ——–
    Subject: Re: [rda-collection-wg] Metadata for collections
    From: balmas
    To: ***@***.***
    Date: 06 Jun 2016, 16:18

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