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Data Collections WG breakout session at P11 in Berlin approved!

  • Creator
  • #112148

    Maggie Hellström

    Dear all,
    great news: our application for a breakout session at P11 in Berlin has been approved – see below for more information about the allocated time slot, as well as the preliminary agenda (included in the session application at the bottom of this message).
    Best regards,
    – Show quoted text -From: Timea Biro
    Sent: Thursday, February 1, 2018 22:57
    To: Margareta Hellström
    Subject: Re: Fwd: Form submission from: 11th Plenary Group Session Application Form – WG Research Data Collections
    Dear Maggie, all,
    Thank you again for your submission, we are sending you the official notification of acceptance for your session application at the 11th RDA Plenary meeting, 21-23 March 2018, Berlin.
    It has has been scheduled for the Breakout 1 – Wednesday 21st March 2018, 11:30 – 13:00
    The detailed programme is available online at
    We are looking forward to the Plenary!
    Many thanks & kind regards,
    ——– Forwarded Message ——–
    Subject: Form submission from: 11th Plenary Group Session Application Form
    Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2017 12:15:24 +0100
    From: RDA
    Reply-To: ***@***.***
    To: ***@***.***
    Submitted on Wednesday, 20 December, 2017 – 12:15
    For your convenience, please find the submitted information below:
    Group name WG Research Data Collections
    Meeting title Research Data Collections: Adoptions and future plans
    Please give a short introduction describing the activities and the scope of the group
    There is an interest from several research communities to leverage aggregations of objects, with particular focus on building such aggregations through PIDs and possibly providing identifiers for aggregation objects. However, there is a lack of unified cross-community approach to building and managing such collections, and also no common model for understanding them. The Research Data Collections WG has worked in close collaboration with scientific communities to come to a pragmatic and usable solution for these issues.
    In September 2017 (in connection with P10 in Montreal, Canada), the group released its Recommendations which provides a comprehensive model for actionable collections, as well as a technical interface specification to enable client-server interaction for research data collections.The aim has been to provide a framework on which both PID service providers and end users can develop new tools and additional services on collections, thereby benefiting both inter- and cross-community data sharing through increased unification between collection models and implementations.
    There are already a number of first adoption and implementation efforts taking place across a broad range of communities and institutions, including earth science and the humanities. These activities not only test the overall applicability of the recommendations, but also provide perspectives on the use of data types in connection with collection structures, highlighting pathways for possible future work.
    Other initiatives with the aim to develop tools and services that build on the WG’s recommendations are now starting. One of these is the development of a “Digital Object Browser” tool, which aims to help users to both build hierarchies (create collections) on globally referenced digital objects in a local environment and then to browse through local as well as global collections.
    Please provide additional links to informative material related to your group i.e. group page, Case statement, working documents etc
    Group home page:
    RDA Research Data Collections WG Recommendations:… (doi:
    The RDA Collections API Recommendation:
    Please list the meeting objectives
    – Follow-up on the Recommendations endorsement process
    – Summarizing on-going use cases and adoption plans, and identifying new ones
    – Presenting and discussing current efforts to develop associated services
    Meeting agenda
    1. Summary of the recommendations (10 mins)
    2. Use case and implementation presentations (20 mins)
    3. New initiatives, including tool development (40 mins)
    4. Future plans and outlook (20 mins)
    Audience: Please specify who is your target audience and how they should prepare for the meeting
    The topic at hand is of interest to a variety of stakeholders in the areas of research data curation and usage. The group’s outputs can be of use to scientific infrastructure providers, client tool builders and scientific users. We particularly encourage feedback from practitioners on the contents of our recommendations.
    Group chair serving as contact person Maggie Hellström
    Email ***@***.***
    Avoid conflict with the following group (1) IG Data Fabric
    Avoid conflict with the following group (2) WG Data Type Registries & #2
    Avoid conflict with the following group (3) WG Data Versioning
    Estimate of the required room capacity 40
    Type of meeting: Working meeting
    Group maturity more than 18 months
    If available, would your group be interested in being assigned an early career / student to support meeting note taking? No
    Would you like to request support for remote participation in your group meeting? Yes
    Thank you
    Associate Professor Margareta Hellström
    ICOS Carbon Portal staff member
    Lund University
    Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science
    Sölvegatan 12, SE-22362 Lund, Sweden
    Phone: +46-(0)46-2229683

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