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Unconference in Philadelphia

  • Creator
  • #109437

    Ville Tenhunen

    Hi all,
    One new element in the RDA plenary in Philadelphia is unoconference just
    after the plenary ends, 14:00-18;00, 4 April 2019.
    The unconference concet in short: (1) The audience proposes topics of
    interest on a theme, and (2) Then we break up into groups to explore
    them. So, basicly you can take your idea, question or theme to the
    unconference and discuss about it there.
    More info:
    Please, take this into account in your plenary plans.
    Additionally, let’s talk this shortly in the RDARI IG next web meeting
    on 18th March 9:15 (UTC).
    Unconference is in the plenary program first time in Philadelphia and
    the after the offial program. In the Plenary 14, next autumn in Finland,
    unconference will be in the official program. More information about
    this later.

    Ville Tenhunen, puh./tel. +358 294 140 102, +358 50 576 2862

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