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Research Data Architectures in Research Institutions IG in Berlin RDA Plenary

  • Creator
  • #112099

    Ville Tenhunen

    Dear all,
    Wellcome all new members of the IG!
    As you have probably already noticed Research Data Architectures in Research Institutions IG have session in the 11th RDA Plenary meeting, 21-23 March 2018, Berlin. It has scheduled for the Breakout 8 which take place on Friday,  23rd March 2018,  11:00 – 12:30. The detailed programme of the plenary is available online at
    If you have not registered yet, I like to remind that early bird registration ends 9th February 2018, midnight UTC 🙂
    Therefore we have couple of things to discuss:
    1) Program of the session in Berlin. We have preliminary program
    In the progaram we have space for some case statements. I and James has promised to makse some presentations about our projects. Do you have any research data infrastructure or architecture project which you like to present in the session (there is space for couple of 10-20 minutes presentations)? If yes, please let us know.
    Another question; Should we ask presentations from some technology vendor to our session? I mean that I know some people working for Nextcloud or Red Hat and they work in Germany. I can ask these people to join us if it sounds somehow good idea. Naturally we can forget this idea if there is too big risk to mess things with sales pitches. What do you think? (I’m not sure about my own opinion at this moment)
    2) Telco before Berlin
    We have shortly discussed with James that we can have a Skype meeting before Berlin. There we can check where we are with our charter and the program of the Berlin session. I’ll set up Doodle for this tomorrow.
    3) Co-chairs
    Currently me and James act as co-chairs of the IG, but we have 2 additional seats available. If someone like to join co-chairs, it is possible. I propose that we will discuss about this issue in Berlin.
    4) Other things
    If you have some ideas, proposals, questions, general topics around the themes of this IG, please don’t hesitate to use this email list. We have also Slack area for prepairing this IG: Naturally we can use it also.
    Looking forward to seeing you in Berlin,

  • Author
  • #131238

    Hi all!
    As I wrote we try to set up telco of the RDARI IG before Berlin plenary.
    The short agenda is:
    1. Current situation with the IG charter
    2. Prepairing the Berlin session (program etc.)
    3. Any other things
    Here is the link to the Doodle poll:
    Please click those dates and times which are suitable for you before
    Friday 15th February 16:00 EET (= UTC + 2)
    Have a nice weekend!

  • #131221

    Hi all!
    Because my meeting time proposals was not succesful and, as Ted
    mentioned, all those times were difficult or impossible for some
    participants, I have modified proposals (removed bad ones and add –
    hopefully – better ones).
    Please add you choises to the Doodle poll:
    I hope you can make this within this week. I’ll check the situation on
    Friday when I’ll be back in Helsinki.
    If there is anything to ask or comment, please don’t hesitate to contact
    via email.

    Ville Tenhunen, projektipäällikkö / projektchef / project manager
    The Project MILDRED:
    puh./tel. +358 294 140 102, +358 50 576 2862

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