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RDARI survey enters last week

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  • #106797

    James Wilson

    Dear RDARI IG members,
    This is a reminder that if you have not already completed the RDARI survey, you only have until Friday to do so. It’s at
    Even if you are not personally in a position to complete the questionnaire, we’d really appreciate it if you could pass it on to anyone who you know who would be able to do so. We’re looking primarily at relatively senior people in Library, central IT, or the Research Office, although anyone with a decent knowledge of your institution’s research data management services should be able to answer at least some of the questions – and we’d rather have incomplete responses than no responses at all.
    If there are any national or specialist email lists that you are aware of, please do advertise the questionnaire through those as well. A suggested text to use, plus a record of which lists we’ve circulated the survey to already, can be found at:

    Dr James A J Wilson
    Head of Research Data Services
    Research IT Services
    Information Services Division, UCL.
    1-19 Torrington Place, London. WC1E 7HB
    Tel. 020 3549 5068 (internal: 65068)
    Email: ***@***.***

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