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RDARI IG video conference, charter and next RDA plenary issues

  • Creator
  • #111440

    Ville Tenhunen

    Hi all,
    Now it is time to go forward with the Research Data Archtectures in
    Research Institutions IG. It is (RDARI IG) also time to start prepairing
    the next RDA Plenary session in Gaborone, Botswana.
    In this email:
    – Doodle poll for the video conference
    – Agenda for the VC
    – Charter
    – Next plenary and possible RDARI session
    # Doodle poll for the video conference
    Before the next RDA plenary we should fix the charter and make some
    decisions. Therefore it is reasonable to have a one hour video
    conference. Here is the link to the Doodle poll to fix suitable date and
    If there is a possiblity and need we can arrange another one on June or
    in the autumn.
    # Agenda for the VC
    Here is the proposal of the agenda:
    1. A new version of the IG charter
    2. Discussion about research data governance survey
    3. Discussion about 12th RDA Plenary session
    – case presentations
    – lightning talks
    – charter
    – survey
    – future trends
    4. AOB
    # Charter
    Charter of the RDARI IG has not endorsed yet and TAB has commented that
    charter proposal requires revision. You can find the TAB comments here:
    Before Berlin plenary we prepared the new draft of the charter (thanks
    to James). The new version is here:
    I hope that we have possibility to make decision to send the new version
    of the charter to TAB before end of the June. Therefore I ask you to
    evaluate the draft before the VC and send comments and proposals to this
    list (***@***.*** Of course we will discuss about the
    draft within the VC.
    # Next plenary and possible RDARI session
    Next RDA plenary will be held on 5-8 November 2018 in Gaborone, Botswana
    Plenary is the part of the International Data Week 2018.
    RDARI IG have to decide if we are going to apply session in the plenary
    and that is why we need a draft program.
    Here is the preliminary proposal:
    – case presentations of the research data infrastructure or architecture
    – lightning talks about interesting solutions or technologies
    – charter of the IG
    – discussion of the survey (which we started in the Berlin)
    – future trends of the research data architectures
    If you have an interesting research data project or something for the
    lightning talk and you like to give a presentation in Gaborone, please
    let us know. All succes stories or lessons learned are wellcome.
    About survey, I have shortly discussed about this survey with the
    BencHEIT taskeforce (
    chairman. They have made something like this earlier. Naturally, BechEIT
    is pretty much different case than this which we have discussed, but he
    was somehow interested in our case. They are starting next round of
    their survey on next autumn and there might be kind of possibilities to
    cooperation. But, let’s talk about this in VC.
    Important dates of the RDA P12 programme:
    – Call for Sessions Open: 14 May 2018
    – Call for Sessions Close: 29 June 2018
    – Notification of Session Acceptance: 7 August 2018
    – Final RDA Breakout Session Program Published: 9 August 2018
    So, I you have anything you like to comment, ask or suggest, do not
    hesitate to send email to the list of the IG (***@***.***
    or to me (***@***.***) or co-chair James Wilson
    I think we can keep discussion in this list as open as possible and all
    members of the group can start a discussion on any subject (of research
    data architectures, projects, infrastructures or anything else in the
    research institutions :-))
    With the best regards,
    PS: If you like to act as a co-chair of the group, there is two seats
    available 🙂

    Ville Tenhunen, Team Leader, IT for Science group
    puh./tel. +358 294 140 102, +358 50 576 2862

  • Author
  • #131080

    Hi all,
    I like to remind about this Doodle poll. We’ll close it tomorrow 7:00
    UTC and i hope that you have a possibility to answer before that.

    Luottamuksellisissa asioissa on käytettävä muuta kuin sähköpostia.
    Ville Tenhunen, @vtenhunen,
    puh./tel. +358 294 140 102, +358 50 576 2862

  • #131078

    Hi all,
    Unfortunately our Doodle poll was quite ambiguous, and there was not
    clearly one time which is possible for all. So we have to pick one and
    hope that wew can live with that.
    So, my proposal is 5th June 15:00 – 16:00 UTC. Let’s have first
    discussion then and let’s organize another one before 29th June 2018
    when Call for Sessions will close.
    Here is the link to the time converter:
    I’ll send link and instructions to our VC system as soon as I have the
    Hopefully those who are not able to join the VC 5th June could comment
    issuen on the agenda via email.

    Luottamuksellisissa asioissa on käytettävä muuta kuin sähköpostia.
    Ville Tenhunen, @vtenhunen,
    puh./tel. +358 294 140 102, +358 50 576 2862

  • #131073

    Hi all,
    Instructions for the videoconference at 5th June 15:00 – 16:00 UTC*:
    You’re invited to call RDARI on Lifesize.
    Connect over video
    Join with your web browser (Chrome, IE11):
    Other ways to call:
    Call in by phone
    Finland: +358 8 41541375 extension 2001178218
    Additional numbers:
    Actually, this Lifesize room is in our use any time. So, if anyone like
    to discuss about RDARI issues any time, it is possible to arrange at
    once 🙂
    PS: Here is times in the different time zones:
    On 22/05

    Ville Tenhunen, projektipäällikkö / projektchef / project manager
    The Project MILDRED:
    puh./tel. +358 294 140 102, +358 50 576 2862

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