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RDARI IG – planning for the 17th RDA Plenary

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  • #102484

    James Wilson

    Dear RDARIans,
    A small group of us met last week to discuss possible topics for an RDARI session at the 17th RDA Plenary in April. We decided that we would explore the issue of what institutions can do to facilitate data openness *before* data reaches the repository phase of the research data lifecycle.
    Because we only have a short time left before we need to submit a session proposal (the deadline is 12th January), we will be having a further meeting to narrow this down and agree how to run the session on the *5th January at 10am UTC*.
    If you would like to join in the conversation, please let me know, and I shall extend the invitation to you.
    Further information about the RDARI IG is available at
    The working title for the session at present is ‘Experiments in Preparing Data for Interchange and Openness’. The session will look at the various infrastructural approaches that institutions are taking to help researchers get their data and/or metadata in a shape that will help others access it, understand it, and build the confidence to re-use it in their own work. We are interested in institutional enhancements to research workflows, rather than disciplinary practices.
    In the meantime, I hope you all have a great Christmas / good break / generally nice and quite relaxing time,

    Dr James A J Wilson
    Head of Research Data Services
    Research IT Services
    Information Services Division, UCL.
    1-19 Torrington Place, London. WC1E 7HB
    Tel. 020 3549 5068 (internal: 65068)
    Email: ***@***.***

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