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RDA 14th Plenary session on Thursday

  • Creator
  • #107025

    Ville Tenhunen

    Hi all,
    14th Plenary of the RDA will start soon. Our IG have a working session
    on Thursday (24th October) this week, in breakout 15 (11:00-12:30) and
    the venue is Undergraduate Center – U119 (Deloitte).
    This time our theme is “Healthy architectures for healthy data – sharing
    approaches for sensitive data architectures”
    The web page of our session is
    Those who like to have a lightning talk in the session and like to use
    slides can send slides to me beforehand or bring them with USB stick
    before the session. If you like to use USB strick I like to ask if you
    can come to the venue 10 minutes before our session starts (we can move
    the slides to the presenter computer and check that everything is ok).
    If you use slides, please indicate if we can publish them in the web
    page of the session.
    Our session will be also remote access possibility. Please check the
    instructions from the end of the web page above.
    So, I hope to see many of you in our session on Thurday (in person or
    via GoToMeeting),
    With the best regards,

    Ville Tenhunen, puh./tel. +358 294 140 102, +358 50 576 2862
    IT for Science:

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