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Prepairing meeting of the RDA Berlin plenary session

  • Creator
  • #112027

    Ville Tenhunen

    (I resend this because it seems possible that something went wrong with
    earlier try)
    Hi all!
    Because my meeting time proposals was not succesful and, as Ted
    mentioned, all those times were difficult or impossible for some
    participants, I have modified proposals (removed bad ones and add –
    hopefully – better ones).
    Please add you choises to the Doodle poll:
    I hope you can make this within this week. I’ll check the situation on
    Friday when I’ll be back in Helsinki.
    If there is anything to ask or comment, please don’t hesitate to contact
    via email.

    Ville Tenhunen, projektipäällikkö / projektchef / project manager
    The Project MILDRED:
    puh./tel. +358 294 140 102, +358 50 576 2862

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