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Plenary reminder and open co-chair positions

  • Creator
  • #105322

    Ville Tenhunen

    Hi all,
    In this message you find couple of things.
    1. Kind reminder about our RDARI session in the next plenary in Melbourne
    We finalised our session program in lates web meeting 24th February.
    Please find a program here:
    RDARI session in the Melbourne plenary will take place in the 7th
    Breakout, Friday 20th March 11:00 – 12:30 in the Room 104.
    2. Open co-chair positions in the Research Data Architectures in
    Research Institutions IG.
    I have decided to step aside from the co-chair position of the RDARI IG
    after Melbourne plenary 18-20 March 2020. I’ve been a co-chair from the
    beginning of the group but now my work position has changed for one year
    at least. I’ve just started as Data Solutions Architect in EGI
    ( and I’ll focus on more infrastructures like European
    Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
    Another co-chair of the IG, James Wilson from UK has promised to take
    over coordination between plenaries. The continuum of the IG operations
    is secured. Regardless, he and Keith Russell from Australia needs now
    new co-chair(s) to develop and operate IG’s work in future.
    RDA interest groups have to have 2-4 co-chairs. Here is more about the
    roles and responsibilities of the co-chairs:
    I propose that those who are interesed in this inspiring position in the
    progressive and developing community step forward and send email to this
    mailing list of the RDARI IG. Then we will discuss about situation here
    and in the Melbourne. If it is possible to make descisions in the group
    meeting in the Melbourne, we do so, but if not, then the next
    discussions will take place on the follow-up telco after the plenary.
    So, say your word!
    With the best regards,

    Ville Tenhunen, puh./tel. +358 294 140 102, +358 50 576 2862
    ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0217-0831

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