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Planning the RDARI Interest Group session for RDA 16

  • Creator
  • #103830

    James Wilson

    Dear RDARIans,
    Whilst it looks as though we will not be getting an excuse to visit Costa Rica, I am sure that we are all nevertheless looking forward to the 16th RDA Plenary!
    With IG applications required by August, we need to start thinking about what we would like to cover as a group. With this in mind, I’d like to extend an open invitation to group members to get involved in the planning for the next meeting. I have set up a Doodle Poll at listing some possible meeting times.
    Whilst these times might be a bit Eurocentric, I shall also look to set up a second meeting before submitting any application that is a bit friendlier for those of you in the ‘rest of the world’ – do drop me a line if you are keen to participate in the planning but unable to manage any of the slots already listed in the Doodle Poll, and I’ll try to accommodate.
    James & the RDARI IG co-chairs

    Dr James A J Wilson
    Head of Research Data Services
    Research IT Services
    Information Services Division, UCL.
    1-19 Torrington Place, London. WC1E 7HB
    Tel. 020 3549 5068 (internal: 65068)
    Email: ***@***.***

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