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2nd RDARI IG Planning meeting ahead of the 16th RDA Plenary

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  • #103658

    James Wilson

    Dear RDARI IG Members,
    A big thank you to those of you who attended today’s planning meeting for the next Research Data Architectures in Research Institutions (RDARI) Interest Group session at the 16th RDA Plenary, which we’d hoped would be in Costa Rica but which seems more likely to be happening at various kitchen tables. We had a good discussion about topics and approaches. It’s looking at though Electronic Lab Notebooks and their role in institutional RDM infrastructures is going to be a focus in our next session proposal, but there is a lot of detail still to be ironed out and decisions still to be made.
    At the next RDARI planning meeting, we will be honing the subjects for discussion, the agenda, considering speakers, and confirming the exact form of the session application.
    If you would like to be involved, please complete the Doodle Poll at
    If you do not want to join the online meeting, or are unable to, but you have suggestions for interesting speakers or topics, please feel free to drop me a line.
    We will also be looking for one or two new co-chairs for the Interest Group at the next Plenary. If you are interested, do give it some thought. I’d be happy to explain what is involved. The group’s current co-chairs (me and Keith) represent Europe and Australia respectively, and it would be particularly good to have broader geographical (and gender!) representation amongst the co-chairs.

    Dr James A J Wilson
    Head of Research Data Services
    Research IT Services
    Information Services Division, UCL.
    1-19 Torrington Place, London. WC1E 7HB
    Tel. 020 3549 5068 (internal: 65068)
    Email: ***@***.***

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