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The Value of RDA for the Sustainable Development Goals

  • Creator
  • #134287

    Anthony Juehne

    –Report of ongoing SDG-related work and WG/IG mapping activity (25 minutes)
    –Review Existing “RDA Value for the Sustainable Development Goals” Portfolio (25 minutes)
    –Review of Organizational partnerships and strategies for strengthening ties (25 minutes)
    –Next steps (15 minutes) 

    Additional links to informative material
    RDA for the Sustainable Development Goals IG
    RDA for Sustainable Development Goals IG presentation at P14
    RDA Data for Development Interest Group:
    RDA Health Data Interest Group:
    RDA Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Data Interest Group:…
    RDA P11 session – Ethics in FAIR Data: Ethical and practical issues of data sharing and usage within and across disciplines…
    RDA Plenary 13th – Data for Sustainable Development: Opportunities, Challenges and Responsibilities. (2019). YouTube. Retrieved 6 June 2019, from
    Joint Session IG Data for Development, IG Health Data, IG Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems’ Data – RDA 13th Plenary Meeting. (2019). RDA. Retrieved 6 June 2019, from

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    IGAD Community of Practice

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    Reproducible Health Data Services WG

    Meeting objectives
    The aim of the meeting is four-fold: 
    1) Assess strategies for building community engagement and external partnerships to promote RDA’s value for the Sustainable Development Goals
    2) Increase RDA community involvement within the IG
    3) Select representatives active in this work familiar with strategies for forming organizational partnerships within and outside the RDA
    4) Review existing materials developed within the IG to promote adoption of RDA outputs within work surrounding the SDGs
    In reflecting on the sessions and feedback throughout the p14, some of the major takeaways and potential next steps on SDG work are as follows:
    –Create adoption/output portfolio for the development sector audience
    Such a portfolio could be a brief summary of RDA-alignment with the SDG work and some educational materials, such as a webinar, describing how RDA outputs could be applicable to social and technical issues surrounding work in the SDGs. We’d also thought featuring testimonials of people working in the SDGs who recognize the RDA’s benefit or have used RDA outputs in past within their work would be beneficial. We’re in contact with members of the RDA summers schools and education for librarians IG who are well-experienced in crafting similar portfolios for targeted audiences, but any guidance you could offer in how such a portfolio could be impactful would be more than welcome.
    –Assess existing RDA groups and partnerships aligned with the development sector and SDGs
    Given the diverse avenues for developing a working group or interest group and some slight disagreement that arose during the session wherein we hoped to define the objectives of this potential IG/WG, we felt it might be helpful to review ongoing activities within the RDA community. We will assess their alignment with the SDGs and select representatives from these activities who might be amenable to discussing the objectives of a potential WG/IG surrounding the SDGs and strategies for forming a partnership with the UN. These representatives may also have previous experience with forming organizational partnerships or may themselves represent a RDA organizational partner.

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