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P22 Asynchronous Discussion: Highlighting The ACM EIGREP

  • Creator
  • #136439

    Tom Honeyman


    The Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Emerging Interest Group on Reproducibility and Replicability (EIGREP) seeks to coalesce a vibrant scholarly community of researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders aiming to hold computing to the highest standards of reproducible research. The goal is (i) to contribute to the development of reproducibility standards, practices, and policies across the breadth of the scientific discovery pipeline, and the identification of barriers to their adoption, (ii) to promote the development and evaluation of tools, techniques, and methodologies that efficiently support reproducibility, and (iii) to encourage best practices across the ACM in consort with the larger computational research community.

    EIGREP has provided additional information on their vision for computational reproducibility and its challenges in the thread below. Please feel free to continue the conversation within the thread!

  • Author
  • #136441

    Tom Honeyman

    Briefly, tell us about your work/organization and how it’s related to computational reproducibility; What are you trying to address and how?

    Fostering a diverse and inclusive community around the issues of reproducibility and replicability of computational research.

    What is your/your organization’s vision when it comes to computational reproducibility (e.g., all scholarship is computationally reproducible by default)?

    Reproducibility practices are central to community-wide objectivity.

    What are some of the challenges you see to achieving this vision?

    Lack of education, lack of appropriate incentives, lack of appropriate tools.

    What would you like to ask the members of our Interest Group?

    Are you considering policies (beyond FAIR) to foster community-wide objectivity?

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