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Introducing the reestablished Reproducibility IG

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  • #133943

    Limor Peer

    Presentation on the history and re-establishment of the Reproducibility IG and the new charter (20 minutes)
    Panel representatives from RDA groups give a brief overview of their work which touches on reproducibility (30 minutes)
    Community input: IG activities and topics proposed by the audience (20 minutes)
    Discussion on future of IG priorities and activities (20 minutes)

    Additional links to informative material

    Historical Reproducibility IG
    10 Things for Curating Reproducible and FAIR Research

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Software Source Code IG

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    RDA has a historical Interest Group on Reproducibility that was active primarily between 2014-2016 and led by Bernard Schutz and Victoria Stodden. The charge of the original group is “to advance and enable reproducibility in research based on or producing datasets. Our goals are to provide community based recommendations and infrastructure solutions, doing so in coordination with the other RDA Working and Interest Groups where appropriate.” The group primarily focused on efforts around the computational infrastructure necessary for reproducible research. 
    In recent years, several efforts at RDA addressed various aspects of reproducibility, including curation (CURE-FAIR WG), software (FAIR4RS WG, Software Source Code IG), infrastructure (Preservation e-Infrastructure IG), discipline-specific requirements (Reproducible Health Data Services WG), and more. These groups have produced recommendations and other outputs and helped shape the conversation about, and the practice of, reproducibility. At the same time, a good number of efforts to advance reproducibility – in terms of technology, infrastructure, policies, guidelines, and education – are taking place outside RDA. 
    At the RDA 20th Plenary in March 2023, a discussion was held about reestablishing the Reproducibility IG in a modern incarnation at a session on “Computational Reproducibility: What’s Next for RDA?”. At the meeting, attendees heard about efforts inside and outside RDA and agreed that the historical Reproducibility IG should be reestablished. Per RDA process, the charter needs to be revised, and four interim co-chairs are leading revision which was posted for community review (24 May, 2023 to 24 June, 2023).

    Estimate of the required room capacity

    I Understand a Chair Must be Present at the Event to Hold the Breakout Session

    Meeting objectives
    Click here for the collaborative session notes
    This is a working meeting to decide with the community on the ground rules for the reestablished Reproducibility IG. The goal is to clarify scope (computational reproducibility), to review the new charter, to solicit community input on priorities and activities, and proceed with the work of the IG per the new charter.   

    Please indicate at least (3) three breakout slots that would suit your meeting.
    Breakout 2, Breakout 4, Breakout 5

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