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Webinar: Update on Specialists, Generalists, and Technical Repository Service Providers Position Paper

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  • #139407

    Rorie Edmunds

    At 13:00 UTC on Wednesday, 7 October the World Data System hosted a webinar on behalf of the RDA/WDS Certification IG and CoreTrustseal. The webinar followed up on a recent request by the CoreTrustSeal Board for feedback on a position paper it had developed concerning how generalist repositories and organizations providing technical infrastructure and services to repositories might be appropriately recognized as trustworthy components of the research data ecosystem.

    At the time of the webinar, the CoreTrustSeal Board was still analyzing the feedback received, and determining how to best update the paper to reflect the majority thinking of the community. The webinar was the next step in CoreTrustSeal’s community engagements on subjects of strategic importance, and contained both preliminary results of the analysis, as well as outlining remaining open questions. The community will be requested to comment further on the next version of the position paper and another update will be given at the Certification IG’s breakout session at RDA P16 (12:00 – 1:30 AM UTC, 11 November).


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