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TRUST Principles and Repository Certification Landscape

  • Creator
  • #133931

    Dawei Lin



    Meeting agenda


    Welcome (5)

    Dawei Lin & Micky Lindlar

    14:05 – 14:25

    Introduction of the TRUST Principles outreach and adoption Working Group (20)

    Meredith P. Goins

    14:25 – 14:35

    Presentation: (10)

    Devan Donaldson – Trustworthy Digital Repository Certification: A Longitudinal Study 

    14:35 – 14:45

    Standards (10)

    Ingrid Dillo – CoreTrustSeal certification, based on the experiences and results from a recent certification support program that we ran in the EU-funded FAIRsFAIR project.
    Micky Lindlar – institutional view of nestor recertification

    14:45 – 14:50

    Lessons learned: (5)

    Robert R. Downs – Successes and Challenges in Meeting Data Repository Certification Requirements

    14:50 – 15:00

    CoreTrustSeal Update (10)

    Herve L’Hours

    15:00 – 15:30


    Dawei, Micky, Meredith

    15:25 – 15:30

    Next steps and closure

    Dawei Lin


    Additional links to informative material

    The TRUST Principles for digital repositories: (published May 2020 in Scientific Data)

    The TRUST Principles Working Group Use Case.

    The TRUST Principles: An RDA Community Effort: (includes list of Endorsers)

    CoreTrustSeal: Specialists, Generalists, and Technical Repository Service Providers:

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Data Repository Attributes WG

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    Convened in 2014, this RDA Interest Group aims to deliver a comprehensive and inclusive overview, as well as the necessary recommendations and requirements that enables the effective implementation of certification of digital repositories on national, European, and global levels. It continues to provide a forum for discussion of repository certification principles and, partially through creation of Working Groups, to facilitate the development of principles and practices in the area of repository certification.

    Estimate of the required room capacity

    I Understand a Chair Must be Present at the Event to Hold the Breakout Session

    Meeting objectives
    Click here for the collaborative session notes

    Introducing a new RDA/WDS TRUST Principles Outreach and Adoption Working Group

    Formulating a plan to implement the Working Group Case Statement 

    Community Updates regarding certification standards and certified services

    Please indicate at least (3) three breakout slots that would suit your meeting.
    Breakout 1, Breakout 3, Breakout 6

    Privacy Policy

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