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CoreTrustSeal – Trustworthy Data Repository Requirements Review 2023-2025

  • Creator
  • #99724

    Dawei Lin

    The CoreTrustSeal Board is seeking input for proposed changes to the requirements to take effect for 2023-2025.  We value our community members opinions and feel the process of updating these trustworthy data repository requirements will be most successful with as much community participation as possible.  
    Our community is built around a Peer-to-Peer review process. We help each other protect our data assets for future generations by challenging each other to be the best repositories we can be. We all know that the ever-changing landscape we work in requires periodic review of our requirements and procedures. 
    The CoreTrustSeal Board appreciates your time and effort in completing this survey and providing valuable feedback on the CoreTrustSeal Requirements. While we do not have the resources to respond to each survey individually, be assured, we value each community member’s input. We will make every effort to reflect them in the revisions of the Requirements.
    The following LINK will direct you to the survey.
    This survey will be open until April 15, 2022
    We will share progress and outcomes in the coming months.
    Please subscribe to our mailing list if you would like to stay updated on CoreTrustSeal developments: 
    And don’t hesitate to share this message with other interested people!
    Thanks again for being part of our peer review community.
    CoreTrustSeal Standards and Certification Board

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