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2019 Review of CoreTrustSeal

  • Creator
  • #109297

    Rorie Edmunds

    Dear Colleagues,
    A review of the CoreTrustSeal is taking place in 2019 to define the Requirements for the period 2020–2023. This has no impact on the certifications of current CoreTrustSeal-certified repositories, which continue to run for three years from the date awarded.
    The 2019 review process will focus on applicant feedback received during past reviews, other feedback received during communications and outreach activities, and an open review period to run from 1 March 2019 to 30 April 2019. Given the feedback received to date and the fact that a number of past WDS and DSA repositories are continuing to transition to the CoreTrustSeal Requirements, we expect the number, structure, and content of the Requirements to remain fundamentally stable for 2020–2023. This stability will enable us to work to support a wider range of repository types and repository technical infrastructure providers in the future. It will also provide an established baseline from which to consider other external demands on the CoreTrustSeal, including the development of the European Open Science Cloud and the further clarification of FAIR Data Principles.
    Feedback will be incorporated into revisions of the Requirements, Extended Guidance, and Glossary as necessary. Please contact or submit your feedback using the form at the bottom of this page.
    A draft revision of the CoreTrustSeal Requirements will be made available by 31 July 2019 for comment and a final version will be released by 31 October 2019.
    Applications and renewals against the current version of the Requirements are asked to submit by 1 November 2019 to minimize the number of reviews that overlap different versions of the Requirements. Applications against the revised requirements will be accepted from 1 January 2020.
    The CoreTrustSeal Board

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