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RDA/U.S. Adoption Program Submission Deadline is October 1

  • Creator
  • #107365

    Yolanda Meleco

    Applications are being accepted for the FY20 RDA/U.S. Adoption Program through October 1, 2019. This program will provide support to integrate RDA Recommendations into existing data infrastructure environments, with the goal of connecting the global scale work of RDA with local needs and infrastructures to advance data-driven research and increase impact.
    Support is available for up to 3 Adoption Teams. Each team will receive up to $40,000 (depending on budget) to support the work to incorporate RDA Recommendations into their environment over the period December 1, 2019 to June 1, 2020.
    Each Adoption team lead will be expected to send a representative to RDA Plenary 15 in Melbourne, Australia on in early 2020 to participate in RDA Adoption activities. Participant support for the Plenary travel will be provided separately by RDA/U.S.

    Organizations, groups, and projects are eligible as adopters; RDA/U.S. strongly encourages applications from projects or organizations with established user communities and strong community communication channels.
    Applicants must be U.S. citizens, or members of RDA working at a US institution at the time of the proposal and throughout the proposal work.
    Applicants not currently RDA members are encouraged to join RDA, however, membership in RDA is not a requirement or evaluation factor in the application process.
    Applicants are expected to join RDA if funding is received.
    Applicants cannot be from a government agency or organization.

    Applications are due Tuesday, October 1, 2019 by email to Jamie Lupo-Petta at
    We encourage submission of strong proposals from across the U.S. data community. Please feel free to share this announcement with others who you feel may have an interest.
    Additional Information
    Learn more about the application process and review criteria at
    Questions can be directed to Yolanda Meleco, RDA-US Project Director at

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