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[softwarecitation][SCID][software-source-code-ig] Hackathon on October 15th FORCE19

  • Creator
  • #107501

    Morane Gruenpeter

    Dear all,
    We are happy to announce that a full day hackathon about Research Software
    has been accepted to the Force2019 [1] conference and it will be held on
    Oct. 15th 2019 in Edinburgh [2] .
    The main theme will be about “Making software a first-class citizen in the
    scholarly world” [3] and we hope bringing together a large group of
    stakeholders who are actively working to improve the status of research
    software in the scholarly environment.
    This is a great opportunity for FORCE11 Software Citation Implementation WG
    and the joint FORCE11 & RDA Software Source Code Identification WG, to get
    together and discuss, design and implement solutions.
    The activities will be organized around 2-4 segments from the following
    list, depending on the interests of the participants:

    Identifiers for software

    Granularity of identification

    Correspondence between different identifier schemas

    Hacking the software citation graph

    Exploring synergies

    Metadata interoperability

    Metadata mapping (CodeMeta)

    Connections with WikiData

    Data quality

    Guidelines and checklists

    Moderation process

    Supporting reproducibility

    Policies and incentives


    Evaluation committees

    National research bodies

    Learned societies

    It would be helpful to know, if you intend on coming.
    You are welcome to suggest subjects and activities on specific tracks or as
    separate issues here .
    Best regards,

    Morane Ottilia GRUENPETER
    Software engineer and metadata specialist for
    Software Heritage
    @INRIA Paris
    office phone: 01 80 49 44 49
    personal website:
    [1] FORCE2019 description and registration:
    [2] FORCE2019 schedule:
    [3] Hackathon description on the SCID WG repository:

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