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BibLaTeX support for software (Was: Re: [rda-datacitation-wg] Data Citation – Participate in shaping BibLaTeX)

  • Creator
  • #101703

    [cross-posting this message to other groups that may find this relevant,
    with some context for them, apologies to the Data Citation WG for repetitions]
    Dear all,
    there is an interesting thread in the Data Citation WG about extending the
    @dataset entry in biblatex, which is just treated as @misc in biblatex today,
    and falls quite short of fitting the bill [1].
    A year ago, we had a similar situation for the @software entry type, which is
    also just an alias for the @misc entry. Today, the situation has changed a lot,
    with a full implementation, as a BibLaTeX style extension, of the relevant
    entries for software, that have been discussed, designed, implemented, and now
    included in TeXLive as the biblatex-software package [2].
    A significant amount of work has been done to determine:
    – the fields needed to describe software in a bibliography
    – the kind of entries needed for capturing the software facets (@software alone is not enough)
    – the best way to make these new fields and entries supported in existing stlyes
    This package is a “style extension”. This means that it that can be used to add to any existing
    BibLaTeX bibliographic style support for the following four entries (@software
    alone is not enough):
    Biblatex-software supports inheritance between these entries, and provides a
    broad set of parameters that allow to tweak the rendering of bibliographies as
    desired. Biblatex entries conforming to the biblatex-software specification can
    also be imported without loss of information in Zotero using the BBT extension [3].
    This package comes with extensive documentation [4], and since I am the
    coordinator of the working group that led to its design and the author of the
    biblatex-software package, you can ask me any questions you may have about it.
    It would of course be nice at some point to merge biblatex-software directly
    into biblatex, but I feel we need to wait a bit for it to mature based on
    feedback from the users: over the past year I already rolled out several
    releases and there are still a few more bells and whistles that may be added.
    It is very important that we avoid dispersion of efforts: if you see or hear of
    anybody showing interest in evolving the stock @software entry, please do point
    out biblatex-software, and make sure we get connected.
    I also encourage you to spread the word, and adopt this style extension, that
    fills a gap that has been open for decades.
    Thanks for your help!

    Computer Science Professor
    (on leave at INRIA from IRIF/Université de Paris)
    Software Heritage
    Bureau C328 E-mail : ***@***.***
    2, Rue Simone Iff Web page :
    CS 42112 Twitter :
    75589 Paris Cedex 12 Tel : +33 1 80 49 44 42
    GPG fingerprint 2931 20CE 3A5A 5390 98EC 8BFC FCCA C3BE 39CB 12D3

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