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Announcing the Paris Call on Software Source Code

  • Creator
  • #109482

    Dear all,
    I’m delighted to share the news of the publication of the “Paris Call on Software Source Code”.
    This Call results from months of intense work in collaboration with Unesco, culminating in a high level international expert meeting at Unesco headquarters in Paris on November 6th and 7th that I had the honor to coordinate.
    You can find the official Unesco announcement at
    and the Software Heritage blog post at
    The Call covers a broad spectrum, ranging from the core mission of Software Heritage as a universal archive of softare source code, to the recognition of software developers and contributors, to the importance of literacy in computing, to the need to take quality software production into account in academic careers, to the role of software for the transparency and accountability of private and public actors.
    It is a tool that can be used to promote awareness of the importance of software in all aspects of our modern societies.
    Do not hesitate in reading, disseminating and leveraging it!
    All the best

    Computer Science Professor
    (on leave at INRIA from IRIF/University Paris Diderot)
    Software Heritage E-mail : ***@***.***
    INRIA Web :
    Bureau C123 Twitter :
    2, Rue Simone Iff Tel : +33 1 80 49 44 42
    CS 42112
    75589 Paris Cedex 12
    GPG fingerprint 2931 20CE 3A5A 5390 98EC 8BFC FCCA C3BE 39CB 12D3

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