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RDA P21 @ IDW 2023 – Notification of Outcome

  • Creator
  • #97614

    Dear Chairs of the RDA/CODATA Materials Data, Infrastructure & Interoperability IG,
    Since sending an email notification of conditional acceptance of your session, Mat’l Data, LIMS, LLMs & Mat’ls Ontologies: Current Efforts (see below), the RDA Secretariat has discovered that you have also submitted a joint session titled Engineering Terminology and Schema for LIMS in collaboration with the Research Data Management in Engineering IG, submitted by Daniela Hausen (in cc).
    The session selection process was very competitive and due to the limited capacity for sessions at P21 we have had to reject more than 10 sessions and cannot accept more than one session per group.
    On this basis, the Technical Advisory Board (TAB) requests you to merge your individual group session with your joint session. This will involve a review of the scope and objectives of your joint session to ensure each group’s goals can be accomplished. Please liaise with Daniela directly to merge your sessions.
    Please inform the Secretariat that you agree to TAB’s request merge your session, by Thursday, 27th July.
    If you have any questions, please contact ***@***.***, or your TAB liaison, Rossella Aversa (in cc).
    Best regards,
    RDA Secretariat
    From: Secretariat
    Date: Monday, 17 July 2023 at 11:05
    To: ***@***.*** , Laura M. Bartolo , ***@***.*** , ***@***.*** , ***@***.***
    Cc: ***@***.*** , RDA/CODATA Materials Data, Infrastructure & Interoperability IG
    Subject: RDA P21 @ IDW 2023 – Notification of Conditional Acceptance
    Dear Chairs of the RDA/CODATA Materials Data, Infrastructure & Interoperability IG,
    Your RDA P21 session application titled Mat’l Data, LIMS, LLMs & Mat’ls Ontologies: Current Efforts has been conditionally approved, subject to you incorporating the following changes provided in the feedback below:
    Please provide a detailed session description which defines and explains the relevance of LIMS/LLMs. If specific LIMS, LLMs, and ontologies are being discussed, they should also be listed in the description. Abbreviations and acronyms should be clearly explained for accessibility.
    A revised version of your application should highlight the suggested modifications and be sent to ***@***.*** by close of business Thursday, 27th July.
    Key dates to keep in mind:
    * Draft programme to be published on Friday, 28 July
    * P21 programme will be deemed final by Tuesday, 22 August
    Your revised application will be reviewed within one week of receipt and the final decision will be communicated to the group.
    If you have any questions, please contact ***@***.***, or your TAB liaison, Rossella Aversa (in cc).
    Best regards,
    RDA Secretariat

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