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RDA P18, Materials Data IG Session: International Materials Data: Joint Meeting, Wednesday, Nov. 3 at 14:00-15:30 UTC 

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  • #100575

    Meeting title: International Materials Data: Joint Meeting, Wednesday, Nov. 3 at 14:00-15:30 UTC 
    Groups participating in the joint meeting: RDA/CODATA Materials Data IG, NFDI-MatWerk consortium participant & MateralD1g1tal representative Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)
    Meeting objectives:

    Hold two panel discussions with audience participation 

    1st discussion: Broad topic of “Funded Materials Research Data Projects, Challenges and international collaborations”
    2nd discussion: Specific “Technical Issues of Common Interest & Mutual Benefit”

     Determine interest in holding informal follow up meetings before P19 and people who would organize the meetings

    1. 0-15 minutes – Brief Updates & other news:
       Upcoming Launch of Open Materials Research, journal published by Taylor & Francis with F1000, Laura Bartolo, Northwestern University, 5 minutes
      IMRR – Final Report & new developments, Ray Plante & Chandler Becker, NIST, 10 minutes
    2. 15-75 minutes: Two Panel Discussions with Audience Participation:
    Meeting Panelists:  Henk Birkholz, Leibnitz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologie (IWT), Germany, Masahiko Demura, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan; David Elbert, Johns Hopkins University, USA
    15-45 minutes: 1ST Panel Discussion: Moderators – Laura Bartolo & Jim Warren, 30 minutes

    “Funded Materials Research Data Projects, Challenges and international collaborations”

    3 5-minute presentations: introduction; project summary, project’s greatest challenge; where could the project interoperate? 
    Discussion among panelists & audience

    45-75 minutes – 2nd Panel Discussion: : Moderators – Bjoern Mieller & Birgit Skrotzki, 30 minutes

    “Identify real technical issues of common interest”

    3 5-minute presentations: two top real technical issues of common interest & mutual benefit 
    Discussion among panelists & audience

    75-90 minutes – Discussion for follow-up meeting(s) before P19 (July 2022)

    what technical issues are of common interest & mutual benefit 
    Are there volunteers to organize informal meetings?

    Target Audience: Researchers in materials science, cognate domains and data science

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