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Materials Data IG Meeting – RDA 13th Plenary Meeting

  • Creator
  • #134407

    Meeting title 
    RDA/CODATA Materials Data, Infrastructure & Interoperability IG (Remote Access Instructions)
    Meeting Location: Commonwealth B
    Meeting Presentations:
    Collaborative session notes:
    Remote Access Instructions:
    Short introduction describing the scope of the group and if any previous activities 
    The Materials Data, Infrastructure, & Interoperability (MDII) was founded in 2013 and aims to foster exchange of computational & experimental materials data through shared online repositories, standardized formats/terminologies, & open programming interfaces.
    Additional links to informative material related to the group 
    IMRR WG:
    Meeting objectives 
    1. Discussions about RDA/CODATA Materials Data 
    2. Explore materials ontologies and possibilities of establishing a Working Group
    3. Expanding regional representation of co-chairs 
    Meeting agenda
    1. Discussion about RDA/CODATA Materials Data, 5 minutes
    2. Presentation & discussion about materials ontologies as part of the scope of the IG,15 minutes
    3. Discussion about establishing a Working Group on Materials Ontologies 60 minutes
    (a) upper level ontology use/best practices/issues for materials as demonstrated in existing domain ontologies and 
    (b) recommendations on a governance system of defined domain branches with the aim of capturing all aspects of materials in a common or core ontology.
    4) Discussion and nominations to expand regional representation of co-chairs, 10 minutes
    Group chair serving as contact person
    Laura Bartolo
    Type of meeting
    Working meeting
    Remote Access Instructions 
    coming soon

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