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LIMS, LLMs, Schemas, Ontologies & Terminology Services: Current Materials & Engineering Sciences Efforts

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  • #133930

    0-5 Mins: Introduction

    5-15 Mins: LIMS Updates: Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS), such as NIST NexusLIMS, provide a framework for managing data from the outset of the research life cycle, delivering the foundation platform for integrating existing and newly emerging capabilities for machine learning, data analysis, collaboration, and dissemination.  

    15-25 Mins: Ontologies Updates: Multiple regional activities for development of ontologies used in materials science and chemistry will be presented.

    25-55 Mins:  The Terminology Service is a web-based infrastructure component applied in data and knowledge management tasks to make ontologies visible, searchable and usable for standardization activities and for integration in automated processes.  Common LIMS schema & Terminology Services: NexusLIMS is developing a common schema to use structured terminology to communicate more broad concepts and capabilities used throughout materials and engineering sciences.

    55-65 LLMs for schema/ontological uses: Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, use neural network architectures designed to perform a variety of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. Models are trained on massive natural language corpora and require high-performance GPUs (graphic processing units) for computation.

    65-80 Mins: Discussions about updated four areas.

    80-90 Mins: Discussion about new Materials Ontology WG 

    Panel Discussions: Moderators – Laura Bartolo, Northwestern University, Jim Warren, NIST, Mat’ls Data IG Co-Chairs, Gretchen Greene, Daniela Hausen, RDMES IG, Co-Chairs

    Introduction, 5 minutes: Connections across LIMS, Schemas, Ontologies, Terminology Services & LLMs: Benjamin Long (NIST USA)
    Presentations & Discussion about materials & engineering sciences 1) LIMS, 2) Ontologies, 3) LIMS Common Schema & Terminology Services and 4) LLMs.  75 minutes

    Panel 1 LIMS Updates:  Henk Birkholz (IWT, Germany) Gretchen Greene, (NIST, USA), June Lau (NIST, USA) David Elbert (JHU, USA) 
    Panel 2 Ontologies Updates: Yann Le Franck (eScienceFactory, F) Emanuele Ghedini (Univ Bologna, Italy), Marek Cebecauer (Heyrovsky Institute, CZ) KR Lee (KIST, Korea VIRTUAL)
    Panel 3 Common LIMS Schema & Terminology Services Joshua Taillon (NIST, USA), Felix Engel (TIB Germany), Matthias Grönewald (TU Darmstadt Germany)
    Panel 4 LLMs for schema/ontological uses: Ben Blaiszik, KJ Schmidt (University of Chicago/Argonne National Lab, USA) VIRTUAL

    Ontology panelists & audience to discuss possible WG, 10 minutes  

    Gerhard Goldbeck (GCL, UK): Overview and update of new WG

    Additional links to informative material 

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Metadata IG

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    The Materials Data, Infrastructure, & Interoperability (MDII) was founded in 2013 and aims to foster exchange of computational & experimental materials data through shared online repositories, standardized formats/terminologies & open programming interfaces.  
    The Research Data Management in Engineering Sciences

    Estimate of the required room capacity

    I Understand a Chair Must be Present at the Event to Hold the Breakout Session

    Meeting objectives

    Continue discussions about Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS),

    Materials Ontologies begun at P20 and introduce LIMS Common Schema, Terminology Services and Large Language Models (LLM).

    Discussion with audience about starting a new Ontologies Working Group.

    Please indicate at least (3) three breakout slots that would suit your meeting.
    Breakout 1, Breakout 3

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