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Workshop on open licenses

  • Creator
  • #126748

    Chris Morris

    There are a growing number of web pages offering advice on how to choose an open license for data or code. The advice they give is partly conflicting. This workshop is intended to get together the authors of such pages and others with expertise in this area to clarify the choices.
    Among the issues to be discussed are:
    – making a limitation of liability clause that is effective in European jurisdictions;
    – the appropriate apportionment of liability between data user, data provider, and database administrator;
    –  how the provision of e-infrastructure can change the opportunities and risks of research misconduct;
    – server side scripts: the tension between IT security and scientific transparency;
    – licenses for web services;
    – relationship between choice of license and choice of the business model for sustainability;
    This workshop will compare experience and insights, and so inform future recommendations on choice of license. The development and publication of software, databases, and web services within the BioMedBridges project will provide use cases to inform the discussion. The workshop will consist of a series of short (ten minute) presentations, each preferably on a single issue. Please contact chris dot morris at stfc dot ac dot uk if you can offer a presentation.
    The workshop will be on Wednesay, 20th May, 11:00-12:30, part of a conference track on Open Science at the EGI conference in Lisbon, 18-22 May 2015 ( 
    The following speakers are confirmed:
    Teresa Gomez-Diaz, CNRS/LIGM
    Free software, Open source software, licenses: a procedure for research software and data dissemination
    Shoaib Sufi, SSI
    Intellectual Property, Copyright, Licensing and Commercialisation
    Stephanie Suhr, EBI
    Use cases for licenses from BioMedBridges
    Irene Schluender, TMF
    Limitation of liability clauses
    Liz Kirby, STFC
    Licenses for web services
    Chris Morris, STFC
    Licenses and research misconduct.

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