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Update from Co-Chairs

  • Creator
  • #109748

    RDA Admin

    Dear Legal Interop Colleagues,
    Happy New Year to you all!
    Co-Chairs Christoph Bruch, Robert Chen, and I have been working as a small subset to reconsider the IG’s aims in preparation for submitting a revised IG charter outlining our future aims and continued work.
    Please join our soon-to-resume weekly Friday telecon discussions as we finalize the Group’s revised charter. CODATA will be sending around the details for these calls shortly.
    We have also submitted a proposal for a session at Plenary 13-Philadelphia and are waiting to hear back on approval. The objective of this program is to
    (a) finalize the IG charter
    (b) discuss a relevant case study regarding multipart research data objects
    There is much need for guidance on implementing the Principles of Legal Interoperability, our Sept 2016 output.
    Looking forward to hearing from you all and re-booting the IG’s efforts after a temporary lull.
    Best wishes,
    Gail P. Clement
    Head of Research Services & Librarian for Geological and Planetary Sciences
    Caltech Library | (626) 395-1203 | SFL 329 |

  • Author
  • #130769

    Simon Hodson

    Dear Gail,
    Many thanks for this.
    As agreed, my colleague Asha, will circulate a calendar invitation and joining instructions for a regular weekly call to take place on Fridays at 15:00 UTC until the next RDA Plenary (15:00 UTC = 7am Pacific, 10am Eastern, 16:00 CET)
    With very best wishes,
    Drexel-CODATA FAIR-RRDM Workshop 2019 , 31 March-1 April 2019: Call for Papers, Deadline 18 February – Registration
    Call for Sessions, CODATA 2019 Conference ‘Towards next-generation data-driven science: policies, practices and platforms’ , Beijing, China, 18-19 September: deadline 15 April
    Stay up to date with CODATA activities: join the CODATA International News list
    Looking for training and career opportunities in data science and data stewardship? Sign up to the CODATA early career community-run data science training and careers list
    Dr Simon Hodson | Executive Director CODATA |
    E-Mail: ***@***.*** | Twitter: @simonhodson99 | Skype: simonhodson99
    Tel (Office): +33 1 45 25 04 96 | Tel (Cell): +33 6 86 30 42 59
    CODATA (Committee on Data of the International Science Council), 5 rue Auguste Vacquerie, 75016 Paris, FRANCE

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