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Two updates from the Legal Interop IG

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  • #109537

    RDA Admin

    Dear Colleagues,
    We want to share two updates regarding our Legal interoperability Interest Group!
    1/ Our proposal for a session at Plenary 13 in Philadelphia was accepted, and here are the details for this session:
    IG RDA/CODATA Legal Interoperability – RDA 13th Plenary Meeting –
    Meeting title Legal Interoperability and Intraoperability of Research Data: The Case of the Research Compendium
    2/ We are making great progress on a renewed charter for the Interest Group. Simon has already posted the link to the Google docs we are working on by email and Friday teleconference. For conveinece, here is a shareable (read only) link to the draft charter:
    IG Charter 2019 DRAFTS
    Contents of this Drafts document 22 February 2019 Proposal 1 14 February 2019 Proposal 2 7 February 2019 Proposal 4 22 February 2019 Proposal RDA-CODATA Interest Group on Legal Interoperability of Research Data Drafter-in-Chief: Gail Clement, Co-Chair ***@***.*** Name of…
    Please send feeback, questions, or any other communications to the list and we’ll be sure to respond in timely fashion!
    Best wishes,
    Gail P. Clement
    Head of Research Services & Librarian for Geological and Planetary Sciences
    Caltech Library | (626) 395-1203 | SFL 329 |

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