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RE: REMINDER [rda-legalinterop-ig] Notes from 30 January 2015 telcon of Legal Interoperability IG

  • Creator
  • #127063

    Hi everybody. This is a reminder since it seems that an initial message I sent late Saturday evening CET did not reach some of you (I apologize if that is also your case)
    Last Saturday´s message is reproduced below again.
    If any of you [ besides the two of you who contacted me yesterday to discuss the Globis-B project not at all related to the RDA-CODATA legal Interoperability but from whom I learned that the message did not reach them ], needs a little bit more time to make the additions, please let us know (and when do you intend to add them) but tryng not to go beyond the end of Wednesday to Thurday EST.
    Please also notice that in the notes sent yesterday by Paul there is an additional reference to the two docs that Saturday´s message refrerred to
    “ wiki at (cut and paste the URL):
    The message I sent to all the Group on behalf of Bob, Paul and myself was the following:
    “De: Enrique Alonso García
    Enviado el: sábado, 31 de enero de 2015 22:30
    Para: RDA/CODATA Legal Interoperability IG
    Asunto: RE: Preparation of Friday Feb 6 Legal Interop IG telco
    Dear Colleagues,
    Thanks to all of you for your input on yesterday´s Fri Jan 30 telco.
    We will send the notes early next week.
    Meanwhile, for clarification:
    The understanding of the co-chairs is that , assuming that assuming that everybody can work on the two google documents, see URLs below, any member of the group could can/should edit what they want in both until noon EST of Wednesday Feb 4. The co-chairs will try to clean both of them (and consolidate them to the maximum extent possible) and send the result to the Group on Thursday to discuss it on Friday´s telco.
    We assume that the co-chairs would add anyhow the metadata-related new principle inn the doc. (principle 8, for the moment being).
    Concerning content of potential editions, independently of what the notes of the meeting might add, they relate to farther input about legal interoperability issues (such as e.g. access to and preservation of metadata, replicability, and/or technical, semantic, and legal interop compatibility, … always with the idea that the final document should try to constantly focus on sending te message that identification of who are the right holders and the extension of such rights)
    The two documents are:
    1) Donat´s google doc… and
    2) Tracey´s principleslRDA_LegalandPolicyIG_AreYouInteroperable_Draft
    Take care“
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