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RE: [rda-legalinterop-ig] Re: [rda-legalinterop-ig] Final whitepapers for establishing…

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  • #124250

    Finally we are getting to the point (there is nothing like thinking collectively). I have to go smoothly though the last exchanges but I think Puneet and Donat are right (and that is the trend that that Paul (and I) also is tried to reflect in GEO´s white papers, and other papers on web services in the context of Elixir). Let´s try see if this “spirit” is captured in the RDA-CODATA guidelines by the end of the week.
    De: agosti=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] En nombre de agosti
    Enviado el: martes, 13 de octubre de 2015 9:07
    Para: punkish; Willi Egloff; RDA/CODATA Legal Interoperability IG
    Asunto: Re: [rda-legalinterop-ig] Re: [rda-legalinterop-ig] Final whitepapers for establishing…
    I would second Puneet. I would also argue, that science has a different business model whereby billions of dollars are spent by the public to create research results that are the bases for creation of wellfare of our nations. Thus funds are spent upfront (a priori) to create results or a product/work. This is the oppisit to usual business including a lot of culture where the work is the basus to generate revenues (a posteriori).
    It is then the publisher who insists on copyright by selling a product (specifically the content, research results) that has been by a third party. In our vision of interopreable data we thus have to replace this impediment. As Puneet points out, adding ever more licences is not the solution, our goal is not to maintain structures that are anachronistic but be as innovative in creating a new science sommunication infrastructure as we are in our main domain, research.
    Sent from Samsung Mobile.
    ——– Original message ——–
    From: punkish
    Date:13/10/2015 08:35 (GMT+01:00)
    To: Willi Egloff , RDA/CODATA Legal Interoperability IG
    Subject: [rda-legalinterop-ig] Re: [rda-legalinterop-ig] Final whitepapers for establishing international and interope…
    Hi Willi, others,
    I attended the first workshop (at the launch of DPLA in Boston) which also launched the work that has resulted in this document. I really admire DPLA for their principled stance on how our digital cultural heritage should be free from encumbrances. And, perhaps the subtleties of law, ownership and rights are really very nuanced when it comes to cultural works. But please, please, we don’t need 50 shades of rights when it comes to scientific/research works. When people ask me why I use CC0 and why I recommend it, I say that I simply choose to opt out of this nonsense. I want to focus on science. I don’t want a decision tree trying to decide what I can or cannot do with the data I have acquired, or making others go into similar mental contortions when thinking of reusing my data.
    Certainly we should refer to this work, but if anything, then as an example of how confusing things can become if we let our minds get away with it.
    Please, please let’s strive for simplicity. I say this as a scientist, as a data analyst, and as an advocate of open science. We do not want our scientists and researchers spending time thinking about this any more than absolutely necessary.

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