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Re: [rda-legalinterop-ig] [rda-legalinterop-ig] A smartphone app for understanding…

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  • #126474

    Hey All,
    I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce myself, and send my apologies for not being able to attend the upcoming conference call (2am NZ time!). Alongside Mark Gahegan, we have been developing a model of reasoning, bundled up as an app that aims to assist researchers navigate some of the complexity surrounding copyright. As I won’t be able to attend, I thought I’d include some of my thoughts below, which I appreciate may be a topic of conversation for another day:
    In my mind, we should aspire towards a situation where Copyright is no longer legislated over research data, full stop. I do realize this is not realistic given any reasonable timeframe, nor a helpful first step in any strategy. But it does provide a useful baseline, allowing us to view the related complexities, bottlenecks and roadblocks as things that we have collectively introduced – as opposed to some innate problem. It seems to me that any progress in shaping our, rhetoric, through to our legislation, policy, employment contracts, down to the individual licensing choices of researchers, to more resemble the public domain, would be heading in the right direction.
    That being said, this will be a long road. Given our current state of copyright restrictions, we are at least 70 years away from fully freeing up much of the content being created today! The perspective I’m taking, is that this has been a mess for awhile, but it is only now that we are technically able to share with greater fluidity and flexible that the problem is becoming more apparent. I also see this as a problem that everyone must be involved in cleaning up. Obviously there is an important role for policy makers at all levels, but my current focus is on the potential contribution that individual researchers can male, more specifically how we can empower them to be part of the solution. The vision being: ‘what if every researcher made the most effective copyright related decision at every opportunity they could’. The most glaring issue with this being: (a) there is a lacking of legal skills to effectively work through most copyright problems, and (b) many of the most aspirations research projects are running up against nontrivial copyright problems anyway.
    Much of my initial work is described in the paper Mark has kindly passed on. But as I finish drafts of my thesis chapters over the coming months I will be sure to share. Additionally, I’m currently working on a follow up paper, which will work through in greater depth the design and implementation details.
    If this direction is of interest, I would be really interested in discussing some of the following:
    (a) How the knowledge base can be effectively scaled, with the goal of covering a broad enough set of copyright concerns, licenses and jurisdictional quirks, to make it practically useful to researchers.
    (b) How we can capture policy, and funding requirements within the tool. Recognizing that each researcher will be under a different set of personal pressures.
    (c) Building on the core model of reasoning, how can we create policy tools, which can be used to study broader patterns of copyright ramifications within and between research communities. I have been considering, and playing around with ideas, from the agent-based modeling literature for this task.
    Richard Hosking

    Richard Hosking,
    PhD Candidate
    Centre for eResearch and Department of Computer Science
    The University of Auckland
    e: ***@***.***
    c: +64 21 157 4197 f: +64 9 373 7453
    On 24/03/2015, at 9:55 pm, Simon Hodson wrote:
    Dear Paul, all;
    Many thanks for this – I have set up the GoToMeeting with the details below and attached as a calendar file.
    With very best wishes,
    CODATA-RDA Legal Interoperability Call, Fri, Mar 27, 13:00 UCT
    • Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
    • You can also dial in using your phone.
    Access Code: 413-346-821
    Access phone numbers:

    CODATA: International Collaboration for Open Scientific Data, an information leaflet
    Dr Simon Hodson | Executive Director CODATA |
    E-Mail: ***@***.*** | Twitter: @simonhodson99 | Skype: simonhodson99
    Tel (Office): +33 1 45 25 04 96 | Tel (Cell): +33 6 86 30 42 59
    CODATA (ICSU Committee on Data for Science and Technology), 5 rue Auguste Vacquerie, 75016 Paris, FRANCE
    On 24 Mar 2015, at 03:31, puhlir
    Dear colleagues,
    We will resume our conference calls this Friday at 9:00 a.m. EDT to complete the Principles, Implementation Guidelines, and possibly even the case studies by the next RDA meeting. Attached are the draft Principles and Guidelines in redline format.
    The discussion agenda is as follows:
    1. We will discuss the Principles first and may well complete that discussion this Friday.
    2. If so, we will move on to the Implementation Guidelines and discuss them in order. We need to assign primary responsibility for the text in each of them, so please be ready to volunteer. We also have to agree on a common format for them, so we have a consistent treatment in the end product.
    3. Finally, we will need to determine a schedule for the calls. My suggestion is that we hold them every two weeks, but we have to be flexible to accommodate everyone’s busy schedules.
    I would like to thank Willi Egloff for the additions and edits to the Guidelines that are in the attached redline text, and Richard Hosking and Mark Gahegan for forwarding the paper on the legal app for research data. We will discuss the latter in a subsequent call. If you cannot participate in this call, please send your written comments to the group.
    Paul F. Uhlir, J.D.
    Scholar, National Academy of Sciences
    and Consultant, Data Management and Policy
    4643 Aspen Hill Court
    Annandale, VA 22003
    Cell phone +1 703 217 5143
    Skype: pfuhlir; Email: ***@***.***
    Web: http://www.paulfuhlir.comi; Twitter: @paulfuhlir
    On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 4:25 PM, puhlir
    Thank you, Mark. This too is very interesting and a phone app like this is something in which I know RDA would be interested. This is something else the IG should consider and perhaps you would be interested in forming a WG on it.
    More later,
    On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 3:05 PM, mark gahegan wrote:
    I very much enjoyed the discussion at yesterday’s meeting. In case you have an interest, the attached article describes a smartphone app (built by Richard Hosking, my PhD student) that reasons over copyright affordances and responsibilities that are attached to data files you might want to use or even combine.
    (it uses the Carneades defeasible reasoner at the backend, from the legal-computation community)
    Prof. Mark Gahegan (University of Auckland)
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