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October 21 meeting on draft Principles

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  • #127890

    Paul Uhlir

    Dear Colleagues,
    I have received substantial interest in participating in at least parts of the Oct 21 meeting remotely by WebEx. I therefore have made arrangements to set up such a possibility and we welcome your involvement. Below are the instructions for participation through WebEx.
    I cannot send an attachment on this mailing list, but if yiou contact me directly I will forward you the draft agenda and the very preliminary set of Principles that we will be focusing on. They wof course will also be available on the WebEx the day of the meeting. If you are unable to participate in any of the meeting, please take some time to forward your comments by Tuesday morning, EDT. I look forward to seeing some of yiou in person and even more of you online next Tuesday.
    Best wishes,
    Hello ,
    Paul Uhlir invites you to attend this online meeting.
    Topic: Legal Interoperability
    Date: Tuesday, October 21, 2014
    Time: 9:00 am, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
    Meeting Number: 746 360 970
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    From: Uhlir, Paul
    Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 3:08 PM
    To: ‘’; ‘J. Bernard Minster (’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘Ellenbroek, Anton (FIPS)’; ‘’; Paweł Kamocki (; P Kishor (; Michael Carroll (;;;
    Cc: ‘’; ‘Robert Chen (’
    Subject: October 21 worlshop on Principles in DC and report from our Sept 24-25 RDA breakout sessions


    Dear Colleagues,
    This is to inform you about the plans for the workshop on Developing Intellectual Property Law Principles for Research Data, which will be held on Tuesday, 21 October 2014 at the National Academy of Sciences main building, 2101 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington DC. Attached is a preliminary agenda and a draft set of Principles, which we already briefly discussed at the RDA breakout session in Amsterdam last month and subsequently revised.
    We realize that most of you cannot attend in person, but we are setting up a WebEx platform for you to participate remotely for any part of the meeting. Please let me know by next Friday, the 17th, whether you can participate in person or just remotely.
    We also invite everyone, whether you can joiin in this meeting or not, to provide your comments on the attached draft principles by the 17th and return them to me. I will compile them for consideration at the meeting. As an example, I have added two comments by Pawel Kamocki in the appropriate places of the document, so please do the same if you have some time.
    Finally, we also will have a wiki formed after the meeting and periodic calls scheduled on Fridays at 10:00 a.m. EDT (Washington time), so that we can make further progress on this document as well as on the case studies. We are aiming to complete all of this material by the time of the next RDA Plenary meeting in March 2015.
    For those of you not originally on the mailing list, please register on the rda website (contact me if you are having trouble) and also see the last attachment above, which are the notes by Pawel Kamocki, our rapporteur, from the breakout meetings last month. He sent them to many but not all of you earlier this week.
    Please respond by the 17th and we look forward to seeing several of you in person on the 21st.

    Paul, Enrique, and Bob


    Paul F. Uhlir, J.D.
    Director, Board on Research Data and Information
    National Academy of Sciences, Keck-511
    500 Fifth Street NW
    Washington, DC 20001
    Tel.+1 202 334 1531; Cell +1 703 217 5143
    Skype: pfuhlir; Email:
    Web:; Twitter: @paulfuhlir



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