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Meeting notes and slides from the IG breakout session at RDA P7

  • Creator
  • #122686

    Paul Uhlir

    Hi all:
    Attached are the notes prepared by Gail and me from the breakout session
    the Legal Interoperability IG held in Tokyo at the RDA P7 conference last
    month. I also have included the slides I used to introduce the IG, its work
    products, and the review process. In particular, please see page 2 of the
    meeting notes for specific suggestions of reviewers in the next round and
    the last four pages of the slides for some ancillary organizations we may
    want to ask. We can discuss the specific organizations and people to
    request for the review during our telcon today.
    I will not send the draft review request memo until later, but we can have
    a preliminary discussion of that as well, if we have time. This may be our
    last call until after the review, unless we do not get through all the
    revisions in the Guidelines and the review process/suggested reviewers.
    Otherwise, we will have one more telcon in a week.



  • Author
  • #133222

    Robert Chen

    Paul et al.–
    Unfortunately I can’t make today’s call due to other meetings (am in Boulder). I should be able to join next Friday if one is held….
    Cheers, Bob
    Sent from my iPad
    Dr. Robert S. Chen
    Director, CIESIN, The Earth Institute
    Lamont campus, Columbia University
    61 Route 9W, Palisades, NY 10964 USA
    tel. +1 845-365-8952; fax +1 845-365-8922
    e-mail: ***@***.***

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