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Latest Version with Badapple Addition

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  • #133161

    Thank you, I think the new text looks good. Unfortunately this meeting hour is a bit inconvenient for me, so it’s difficult to join in, but I enjoy the e-mail discussions very much
    Jessica Parland-von Essen
    From: “Simon Hodson”
    To: “RDA/CODATA Legal Interoperability IG”
    Sent: Friday, 15 April, 2016 16:23:37
    Subject: [rda-legalinterop-ig] Latest Version with Badapple Addition
    CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science, hosted at the International Centre of Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 1-12 August 2016: – FUNDING AVAILABLE – DEADLINE 18 April 2016.
    CODATA International Training Workshop in Big Data for Science, Beijing, 4-17 July… – FINDING AVAILABLE – DEADLINE 18 April 2016
    Dr Simon Hodson | Executive Director CODATA |
    E-Mail: ***@***.*** | Twitter: @simonhodson99 | Skype: simonhodson99
    Tel (Office): +33 1 45 25 04 96 | Tel (Cell): +33 6 86 30 42 59
    CODATA (Committee on Data of the International Council for Science), 5 rue Auguste Vacquerie, 75016 Paris, FRANCE
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  • #133160

    Please find enclosed the version of the document with some further
    refinements to 1C, and inclusion of the CC-BY 4.0 and minor edits to the
    table. Now renamed with the date as 16 April 2016.
    Thank you for your consideration.
    Have a good weekend.
    *Baden M Appleyard*
    *National Programme Director – AusGOAL*
    Mobile: +61(0)459 824 061
    AusGOAL (the Australian Governments’ Open Access and Licensing Programme)
    Visit our Website | Like and Share us on
    Facebook | Join our LinkedIn Group
    | Follow Us on Twitter: @AusGOAL
    | +1 on Google Plus

    View our Slides
    AusGOAL is the Government and Research Lead of Creative Commons Australia

  • #133159

    Thanks,. do you ever sleep? 🙂 Bernard.

  • #133158

    Rarely! 🙂 There is too much work to do, but its all really interesting.
    On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 2:35 AM, Jean-Bernard Minster

  • #133156

    Hi Baden,
    Just when you were leaving the telecon to sleep a little bit I was asking you to have us sent the web page to the Australian Gvt web page that reflects all these policies concerning CC´s -if there is such a site (or alternatively a policy doc that officially rrefekcts them). IYou may have shared it before but if so, it scaped my attention.
    Thanks in advance for your response
    By the way, congratulations for the move on Feb 26:
    Australian Government makes spatial data free
    Take care
    De: b.appleyard=***@***.*** [b.appleyard=***@***.***] En nombre de badapple [***@***.***]
    Enviado el: viernes, 15 de abril de 2016 18:42
    Para: Jean-Bernard Minster; RDA/CODATA Legal Interoperability IG
    CC: Simon Codata
    Asunto: Re: [rda-legalinterop-ig] Latest Version with Badapple Addition
    Rarely! 🙂 There is too much work to do, but its all really interesting. 🙂
    On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 2:35 AM, Jean-Bernard Minster wrote:
    Thanks,. do you ever sleep? 🙂 Bernard.
    On Apr 15, 2016, at 09:28, badapple wrote:
    Please find enclosed the version of the document with some further refinements to 1C, and inclusion of the CC-BY 4.0 and minor edits to the table. Now renamed with the date as 16 April 2016.
    Thank you for your consideration.
    Have a good weekend.
    Baden M Appleyard
    National Programme Director – AusGOAL
    Mobile: +61(0)459 824 061
    AusGOAL (the Australian Governments’ Open Access and Licensing Programme)
    Visit our Website | Like and Share us on Facebook | Join our LinkedIn Group | Follow Us on Twitter: @AusGOAL | +1 on Google Plus | View our Slides
    AusGOAL is the Government and Research Lead of Creative Commons Australia
    On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 11:23 PM, Simon Hodson wrote:
    CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science, hosted at the International Centre of Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 1-12 August 2016: – FUNDING AVAILABLE – DEADLINE 18 April 2016.
    CODATA International Training Workshop in Big Data for Science, Beijing, 4-17 July… – FINDING AVAILABLE – DEADLINE 18 April 2016
    Dr Simon Hodson | Executive Director CODATA |
    E-Mail: ***@***.*** | Twitter: @simonhodson99 | Skype: simonhodson99
    Tel (Office): +33 1 45 25 04 96 | Tel (Cell): +33 6 86 30 42 59
    CODATA (Committee on Data of the International Council for Science), 5 rue Auguste Vacquerie, 75016 Paris, FRANCE
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    Attached files:

    Full post:
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    El texto de este correo es confidencial y exclusivamente está dirigido a su destinatario. Si se ha enviado a una dirección errónea rogamos elimine el mismo y, en su caso, los documentos adjuntos, y nos lo comunique urgentemente. This message is intented only for the use of the addresse and contain confidential information. If you are not the intented recipient, dissemination of this documentation is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please, erase all copies of the message and its attachments and notify us immediately.
    Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico, piense bien si es necesario hacerlo: El medioambiente es cosa de todos.

  • #133152

    Hi Enrique,
    My apologies for the delay responding to you. Thanks for your question. I’m
    sorry I missed your chat. I was dialling into the conversation on the
    phone, so I did not have the advantage of reading the in-line texting.
    I spoke of the AusGOAL policy on the phone. AusGOAL was established as a
    cross-jurisdictional programme and framework by all of the Australian
    state, territory and federal governments, at the request of COAG, which is
    the Council of Australian Governments (which is the then Prime Minister,
    State Premiers and Territory Chief Ministers). AusGOAL is written into
    many of the Australian jurisdictions IP Policies, and or open data
    policies. The intent was to have the one umbrella framework and programme
    (AusGOAL) to underpin the policy position for all Australian Governments.
    While its a bit like herding cats, there has been substantial compliance in
    most jurisdictions, but their level of maturity of implementation varies.
    AusGOAL widened its brief to include research and research data in 2011.
    AusGOAL was endorsed by the Council of Australian University Librarians
    (which is a group that directs guidance on copyright policy, repositories
    and research services advice to Vice Chancellors) in 2013-14. As
    discussed, the Australian National Data Service and AusGOAL had also at
    that time entered into a strategic relationship as well, with an executive
    director of ANDS on the AusGOAL Board. AusGOAL also has open educational
    resources (OER) now fixed in its sights as well.
    AusGOAL works vertically and horizontally.. Meaning it works vertically
    through levels of government (federal, state and local) and research and
    horizontally through sectors and fields of endeavour that straddle the
    hierarchy of governments and research. When it comes to research, AusGOAL
    engagement includes both government research (from the 9 governments) and
    university research (publicly funded).
    AusGOALs website, which is now very tired and very ready for a refresh, is
    located in my signature block, along with the rest of the AusGOALs social
    media channels.
    But, perhaps some signposts…
    AusGOAL principles… very brief – but we do A LOT of in-person engagement
    with agencies and institutions where we flesh these out…
    AusGOAL qualities of open data… – technical in
    nature but with simple one linder explanation of benefits of the technical
    aspect to the community.. linked data aligned.
    AusGOAL research data FAQ’s….
    New Zealand also created a sister framework, NZGOAL,…,
    but it does not, as far as I am aware, engage with research. I could be
    wrong on that now.. but that’s traditionally its position…
    Regarding the licensing of the GNAF – Thank you. That was something I
    advised on to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (or more
    correctly, the Department of Communications, where the work to open the
    GNAF began). But they chose not to take that advice. In fact, they broke
    the first commandment of open government data – “don’t create yet another
    open licence if you don’t need to!”. When they released that version of
    the G-NAF they created a hybrid of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
    Licence, with a silly additional restriction to go with it. I think that
    was because Australia Post provided some data that makes up the GNAF, but
    they didnt reach out to obtain guidance on how to deal with that issue.
    Consequently, it is not, in my view, an open licence because it fails
    probably three elements of the Open Definition. (I
    sit on the Advisory Council on the Open Definition),
    The world does not need governments creating hybrid, or even bespoke open
    licences when there are many out there already that are perfectly fine to
    use. They just need to understand how to use the ones that everyone else
    uses. Licence proliferation is an anathema to open. But, I suppose, I
    preach to the converted…. Nevertheless, the G-NAF being a little less
    restrictive (and less expensive) than it once was is a step in the right
    direction. They should stick with a CC-BY 4.0 Licence though – and they
    still can…
    Thanks again for your question. Happy to discuss and/or answer any
    questions you may have.
    Kind regards,
    *Baden M Appleyard*
    *National Programme Director – AusGOAL*
    Mobile: +61(0)459 824 061
    Visit our Website | Like and Share us on
    Facebook | Join our LinkedIn Group
    | Follow Us on Twitter: @AusGOAL
    | +1 on Google Plus

    View our Slides
    AusGOAL is the Government and Research Lead of Creative Commons Australia
    On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 3:58 AM, Enrique Alonso García <
    ***@***.***> wrote:

  • #133149

    Thank you so much Baden, I haven’t got time yet to look at it in detail but I will ASAP.
    Take care
    De: b.appleyard=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] En nombre de badapple
    Enviado el: lunes, 18 de abril de 2016 13:06
    Para: Enrique Alonso García; RDA/CODATA Legal Interoperability IG
    CC: Jean-Bernard Minster; Simon Codata
    Asunto: Re: [rda-legalinterop-ig] Latest Version with Badapple Addition
    Hi Enrique,
    My apologies for the delay responding to you. Thanks for your question. I’m sorry I missed your chat. I was dialling into the conversation on the phone, so I did not have the advantage of reading the in-line texting.
    I spoke of the AusGOAL policy on the phone. AusGOAL was established as a cross-jurisdictional programme and framework by all of the Australian state, territory and federal governments, at the request of COAG, which is the Council of Australian Governments (which is the then Prime Minister, State Premiers and Territory Chief Ministers). AusGOAL is written into many of the Australian jurisdictions IP Policies, and or open data policies. The intent was to have the one umbrella framework and programme (AusGOAL) to underpin the policy position for all Australian Governments. While its a bit like herding cats, there has been substantial compliance in most jurisdictions, but their level of maturity of implementation varies. AusGOAL widened its brief to include research and research data in 2011. AusGOAL was endorsed by the Council of Australian University Librarians (which is a group that directs guidance on copyright policy, repositories and research services advice to Vice Chancellors) in 2013-14. As discussed, the Australian National Data Service and AusGOAL had also at that time entered into a strategic relationship as well, with an executive director of ANDS on the AusGOAL Board. AusGOAL also has open educational resources (OER) now fixed in its sights as well.
    AusGOAL works vertically and horizontally.. Meaning it works vertically through levels of government (federal, state and local) and research and horizontally through sectors and fields of endeavour that straddle the hierarchy of governments and research. When it comes to research, AusGOAL engagement includes both government research (from the 9 governments) and university research (publicly funded).
    AusGOALs website, which is now very tired and very ready for a refresh, is located in my signature block, along with the rest of the AusGOALs social media channels.
    But, perhaps some signposts…
    AusGOAL principles… very brief – but we do A LOT of in-person engagement with agencies and institutions where we flesh these out…
    AusGOAL qualities of open data… – technical in nature but with simple one linder explanation of benefits of the technical aspect to the community.. linked data aligned.
    AusGOAL research data FAQ’s….
    New Zealand also created a sister framework, NZGOAL,…, but it does not, as far as I am aware, engage with research. I could be wrong on that now.. but that’s traditionally its position…
    Regarding the licensing of the GNAF – Thank you. That was something I advised on to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (or more correctly, the Department of Communications, where the work to open the GNAF began). But they chose not to take that advice. In fact, they broke the first commandment of open government data – “don’t create yet another open licence if you don’t need to!”. When they released that version of the G-NAF they created a hybrid of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence, with a silly additional restriction to go with it. I think that was because Australia Post provided some data that makes up the GNAF, but they didnt reach out to obtain guidance on how to deal with that issue. Consequently, it is not, in my view, an open licence because it fails probably three elements of the Open Definition. (I sit on the Advisory Council on the Open Definition),
    The world does not need governments creating hybrid, or even bespoke open licences when there are many out there already that are perfectly fine to use. They just need to understand how to use the ones that everyone else uses. Licence proliferation is an anathema to open. But, I suppose, I preach to the converted…. Nevertheless, the G-NAF being a little less restrictive (and less expensive) than it once was is a step in the right direction. They should stick with a CC-BY 4.0 Licence though – and they still can…
    Thanks again for your question. Happy to discuss and/or answer any questions you may have.
    Kind regards,
    Baden M Appleyard
    National Programme Director – AusGOAL
    Mobile: +61(0)459 824 061
    Visit our Website | Like and Share us on Facebook | Join our LinkedIn Group | Follow Us on Twitter: @AusGOAL | +1 on Google Plus | View our Slides
    AusGOAL is the Government and Research Lead of Creative Commons Australia
    On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 3:58 AM, Enrique Alonso García wrote:
    Hi Baden,
    Just when you were leaving the telecon to sleep a little bit I was asking you to have us sent the web page to the Australian Gvt web page that reflects all these policies concerning CC´s -if there is such a site (or alternatively a policy doc that officially rrefekcts them). IYou may have shared it before but if so, it scaped my attention.
    Thanks in advance for your response
    By the way, congratulations for the move on Feb 26:
    Australian Government makes spatial data free
    Take care
    De: b.appleyard=***@***.*** [b.appleyard=***@***.***] En nombre de badapple [***@***.***]
    Enviado el: viernes, 15 de abril de 2016 18:42
    Para: Jean-Bernard Minster; RDA/CODATA Legal Interoperability IG
    CC: Simon Codata
    Asunto: Re: [rda-legalinterop-ig] Latest Version with Badapple Addition
    Rarely! 🙂 There is too much work to do, but its all really interesting. 🙂
    On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 2:35 AM, Jean-Bernard Minster wrote:
    Thanks,. do you ever sleep? 🙂 Bernard.
    On Apr 15, 2016, at 09:28, badapple wrote:
    Please find enclosed the version of the document with some further refinements to 1C, and inclusion of the CC-BY 4.0 and minor edits to the table. Now renamed with the date as 16 April 2016.
    Thank you for your consideration.
    Have a good weekend.
    Baden M Appleyard
    National Programme Director – AusGOAL
    Mobile: +61(0)459 824 061
    AusGOAL (the Australian Governments’ Open Access and Licensing Programme)
    Visit our Website | Like and Share us on Facebook | Join our LinkedIn Group | Follow Us on Twitter: @AusGOAL | +1 on Google Plus | View our Slides
    AusGOAL is the Government and Research Lead of Creative Commons Australia
    On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 11:23 PM, Simon Hodson wrote:
    CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science, hosted at the International Centre of Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 1-12 August 2016: – FUNDING AVAILABLE – DEADLINE 18 April 2016.
    CODATA International Training Workshop in Big Data for Science, Beijing, 4-17 July… – FINDING AVAILABLE – DEADLINE 18 April 2016
    Dr Simon Hodson | Executive Director CODATA |
    E-Mail: ***@***.*** | Twitter: @simonhodson99 | Skype: simonhodson99
    Tel (Office): +33 1 45 25 04 96 | Tel (Cell): +33 6 86 30 42 59
    CODATA (Committee on Data of the International Council for Science), 5 rue Auguste Vacquerie, 75016 Paris, FRANCE
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    Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico, piense bien si es necesario hacerlo: El medioambiente es cosa de todos.

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