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IG RDA/CODATA Legal Interoperability – RDA 13th Plenary Meeting

  • Creator
  • #134385

    RDA Admin

    Meeting title
    Legal Interoperability and Intraoperability of Research Data: The Case of the Research Compendium (Remote Access Instructions)
    Collaborative session notes:
    Meeting Location: Congress A
    Short introduction describing the scope of the group and if any previous activities
    The Legal Interoperability Interest Group Develop has researched, compiled, and published core principles and guidelines of best practices through which legal interoperability can be achieved, and link to related information resources online. We continue to work with key stakeholder groups to get the core principles and guidelines of best practices adopted. Additionally, we promote better understanding and greater use by the stakeholder groups in the research community of the agreed approaches to legal interoperability of research data, focused on highlighting and enabling better integration and reuse of such data. Mechanisms for promotion and implementation support include presentations at professional conferences; publication in the peer reviewed literature; and training of researchers through the CODATA-RDA Summer Schools, the Force11 Scholarly Communication Institute, and through local copyright education programs at research institutions worldwide.
    Additional links to informative material related to the group

    Proposed Re-Charter (Revision 2019-04-01), RDA-CODATA Interest Group on Legal Interoperability of Research Data
    IG Home page and background materials
    Released output
    Uhlir, Paul and the RDA-CODATA Legal Interoperability Interest Group. (2016). Legal Interoperability of Research Data: Principles and Implementation Guidelines. Zenodo.

    Meeting objectives
    The proposed session continues the Interest Group’s efforts to apply the Principles & Guidelines for Legal Interoperability of Research Data (released 2016) to significant use cases arising from the research community. This process has enabled the group to assess fulfill three key objectives:

    to test and affirm the applicability of the Guidelines document to real-world data sharing efforts arising in the research data community;
    to identify possible areas for extending the Guidelines document to accommodate needs not presented in the foundational case studies;
    to train and support research data stakeholders in their Adoption and Implementation of the Legal Interoperability principles and guidelines

    In past plenaries, our sessions have focused on real world use cases involving datasets and databases intended for open sharing. For Philadelphia, we will focus on a different, although complementary, data object – the research compendium – which represents a multipart research output comprising not only data but also the textual narrative that presents the research findings; code and algorithms; documentation and any auxiliary resources allowing readers/re-users rerun the analysis and verify or build on the claims. (Gentleman and Temple Lang, 2007).
    Research compendia are an emerging form of data-rich research output gaining increasing adoption as a replacement for the ‘static’ and incomplete genre of the published paper typically represented in a PDF or HMTL file with, at best, hyperlinks to disparate files and datasets that require a reader to retrieve, compile, and execute in their own environment, often without success because of hidden dependencies or unreliable linkages. Examples of today’s research compendia include Jupyter notebooks containerized in Docker images; Rmarkdown or Latex computational narratives (integrated text and code) with GitHub repositories openly distributed as Binder emulation; or dynamic web publications integrated with interactive data dashboards using Shiny or other web technologies. Early adopters of research compendium include large scale data producers such as the LIGO Gravitational Wave Open Science Center (; the NSF-sponsored Whole Tale initiative at NCSA (; and the variously-published reproducible reports by research authors in the Open Science community (Marwick, Boettiger, and Mullen, 2018, among others).
    This use case is significant for the IG’s focused consideration at Plenary because these multi-part research outputs — each with its own distinct rights management needs — implicates not only concerns with legal interoperability of the compendium as a whole, but also legal INTRA-operability of its constituent parts. Message boards, tweets, GitHub issues, and other communications within the Open Science Community reflect considerable confusion and misinformation regarding the legitimate rights management and licensing of these increasingly important outputs.
    We anticipate that the proposed Philadelphia session exploring the Research Compendium use case will yield initial content worthy of redistribution in the form of an extension to the Guidelines in a next release, or a separate paper explaining how the IG’s Guidelines apply to Research Compendia.
    Meeting agenda

    Presentation of the revised charter for Interest Group
    Discussion of the revised charter
    Introduction to the Research Compendium as an emergent FAIR research output & Application of the the IG’s Principles and Guidelines to an example Research Compendium (slides)
    Discussion of Research Compendium Case Study
    Discussion of IG next steps

    — References —
    Robert Gentleman and Duncan Temple Lang, Statistical Analysis and Reproducible Research, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 16(1), March 2007, 1-23. DOI: 10.1198/106186007X178663
    Ben Marwick, Carl Boettiger & Lincoln Mullen (2018) Packaging Data Analytical Work Reproducibly Using R (and Friends), The American Statistician, 72:1, 80-88, DOI: 10.1080/00031305.2017.1375986 Meeting agenda Brief Review of the IG’s Legal interop Principles and Guidelines, as released in 2015 (15 minutes) • Introduction to the Research Compendium as an emergent FAIR research output (45 minutes) • Application of the Guidelines to two Research Compendia (90 minutes) • Discuss, Q&A, and next steps (30 minutes) Target audience Research data creators, providers, and publishers; Copyright specialists and Counsel at Research Institutions; Open Source software developers and platgorm providers of tools for reproducible reporting Group chair serving as contact person: Gail Clement
    Type of meeting:
    Informative meeting
    Remote Access Instructions
    coming soon

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