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GEO Data Management Principles

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  • #126047

    I notice that none of these principles deal with legal issues and principles that we have been discussing. From the point of view of GEO as an international organization, this seems to me to be a major gap. What to do?
    ———- Forwarded message ———-
    From: Osamu OCHIAI
    Date: 28 May 2015 at 17:25
    Subject: Solicit your contributions for developing the Data Management Principles Implementation Guideline
    To: ***@***.***
    Dear Colleagues,
    The GEO Secretariat established a Task Force in May 2014 to develop a set of Data Management Principles (DMP) needed to support the agreed GEOSS Data Sharing Principles. The Task Force has identified the 10 Principles attached to this e-mail, which will be included in an Annex to the GEO Strategic Plan 2016-2025: GEOSS Implementation.
    The next step is to prepare a short document (about 10-15 pages, or 1-1.5 page per principle) to inform the GEO community of the implications (technical, organizational, and financial) of implementing the DMP. This document needs to be submitted for information at the GEO-XII Plenary.
    To prepare this document, we are looking for volunteers among the participants in the DMP Task Force, Data Sharing Working Group and Infrastructure Implementation Board who will help in groups of 2-3 people for each DMP to:
    1) Provide definitions of terms and explanations of the principle
    2) Provide examples and guidance to implementation pointing to available references
    3) Suggest metrics to measure level of adherence to the principles
    4) Provide some indication based on the experience of their organization or available literature on the order of magnitude level of resources needed for implementing 1 or more principles (we recognize that in some instances it may be difficult to identify resources needed to implement each principle individually).
    The first draft of the document needs only to be high level. Further refinements and detailing can take place at a later stage next year.
    We have set up a doodle poll at:
    Please add your name if you are able to contribute to this important activity by 5 June and indicate which Data Management Principles you would like to address. We are aiming at having 2-3 people for each principle, so please tick as many boxes as you have the time to contribute to.
    We aim to have the first draft document by end of June, and a second by end of July with a view to have the final editing by mid September following the consultation with the relevant groups.
    We envisage that, depending on your experience and enthusiasm, between 0.5 and 2 working days each during the months of June and July and during August/September would be needed in order to contribute significantly.
    We thank you for your contribution,
    Best regards,
    Alessandro Annoni, Massimo Craglia and David Halpern
    Co-chairs of GEO Data Management Principles Task Force

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