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conference announcement of potential interest

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  • #126703

    Paul Uhlir

    Hello again,
    One of the members of the Legal Interoperability IG, Donat Agosti, asked me to forward the following conference announcement, which may be of general interest especially to the EU members of our group.
    – Show quoted text -From: Hoffmann, Anke [mailto:***@***.***]
    Sent: Monday, March 2, 2015 3:53 PM
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: [SuspectedSPAM] Conference on “Open Science at the Global Scale”
    Dear All,
    I would like to share the following information on the upcoming conference, in the field of global e-Infrastructures for Research and Education, which is organised by the EU-FP7 project CHAIN-REDS ( project.
    You may check if this conference and its agenda is of interest for you. Detailed information can be found here:
    Best regards,
    Conference: “Open Science at the Global Scale: Sharing e-Infrastructures, Sharing Knowledge, Sharing Progress”
    Organized under the aegis of the European Commission (DG CONNECT)
    March 31, 2015 – Brussels, Belgium
    Objective: The conference will bring together policy and research stakeholders from all the regions targeted by the project (Asia, Africa, Arabia, India, Europe and Latin America) to discuss major developments and perspectives in the field of global e-Infrastructures for Research and Education. The main outcomes of the CHAIN-REDS project will be presented on this occasion:
    * The development of a Distributed Computing Infrastructure interoperation model between Europe and other regions
    * The promotion of international standards and technical guidelines for interoperability of cloud services across continents
    * One of the largest existing e-Infrastructure-related digital information systems, the CHAIN-REDS Knowledge Base
    * A complete methodology for better sharing and using scientific data
    * The CHAIN-REDS Science Gateway: a single portal for accessing remote computing and data services anywhere in the world
    * The support of the creation of Identity Federations to make Authentification and Authorisation easier for users and service providers worldwide
    * The main outcomes of the six awareness-raising workshops organised by CHAIN-REDS in Asia, Africa, Arabia, and Latin America
    Agenda: The Conference will feature the following sessions
    * A high-level policy session bringing together policy-makers from Asia, Africa, Arabia and Latin America who will testimony on the benefits of e-Infrastructures for research and education and who will share their vision on long-term global collaboration
    * Two end-user oriented sessions with focus on the impacting CHAIN-REDS-supported solutions in five regions of the world as well as on the project’s vision on further technological cooperation needed by global virtual research communities.
    Dr. Anke Hoffmann
    EU BON Scientific Coordinator (
    Museum für Naturkunde – Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science
    Invalidenstr. 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany
    phone: +49-30-2093 8950
    fax: +49-30-2093 8323
    email: ***@***.***

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