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Backgrouind docs for tomorrow’s RDA-CODATA IG on Legal Interop breakout meetings

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  • #128720

    Paul Uhlir

    Hi all:
    Attached are the introductory slides and final agenda of the IG breakout sessions tomorrow. The discussions may well redirect and certainly fine tune what we plan to do, so I hope you will be able to participate in at least one of the sessions that begin at 11:00. I also am forwarding the slides for the CReATIVE-B case study, since the RDA website does not accept pptx docs.
    Finally, if you only receive this message once it means you have still not registered to the IG listserv. Please do so this week.
    – Show quoted text -From: Uhlir, Paul
    Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 2:33 PM
    To: ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; Robert Chen (***@***.***); ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; Michael Carroll (***@***.***); ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; Harlan J. Onsrud (***@***.***); ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; Uhlir, Paul; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; Tyng-Ruey Chuang PhD (***@***.***); ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***
    Subject: FW: Final Case Study instructions for the RDA-CODATA Interest Group on Legal Interoperability of Research Data
    Dear Colleagues,
    Several of you have informed me that you are not getting these messages in preparation for our IG breakout at the RDA Plenary in Dublin later this month, so I am sending the last one to each of you in the hope of (a) reaching all of you with this information (see below), and (b) asking you to sign up to the new RDA listserv that was created at the beginning of February when the old listservs were discontinued. If you have not received the message below before, it means that you are not signed up. Therefore, please take a few moments this week to register for the new Legal Interoperability listserv. I will send the new listserv sign-up instructions in a separate email next.
    From: Uhlir, Paul
    Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 9:44 AM
    To: ‘***@***.***’; J. Bernard Minster (***@***.***); Eisenstadt, Anita; Cohen, Daniel; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***
    Cc: ***@***.***; Robert Chen (***@***.***)
    Subject: Final Case Study instructions for the RDA-CODATA Interest Group on Legal Interoperability of Research Data
    Dear colleagues,
    Thank you for sending in comments on the case study instructions. We have incorporated the changes and additions of the names of the approved case studies, and the final version is attached. Please take a look at them and prepare an annotated outline of the case study over the next month for presentation and discussion at the Dublin RDA plenary. The instructions and case study one-pagers will also be on our IG’s RDA website soon.
    In addition, Catherine Doldirina and Bob Chen have both suggested that we add one more case study that is directly tied to the GEOSS organization and program. We will discuss this in the Data Sharing WG of GEO in the next few weeks, but if you have suggestions for such a case study and who might undertake it, please forward your suggestions by Monday, the 24th.
    Paul F. Uhlir, J.D.
    Director, Board on Research Data and Information
    National Academy of Sciences, Keck-511
    500 Fifth Street NW
    Washington, DC 20001
    Tel.+1 202 334 1531; Cell +1 703 217 5143
    Skype: pfuhlir; Email: ***@***.***
    Web:; Twitter: @paulfuhlir
    From: Uhlir, Paul
    Sent: Friday, January 17, 2014 9:45 AM
    To: ‘***@***.***’; J. Bernard Minster (***@***.***); Eisenstadt, Anita; Cohen, Daniel; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***
    Cc: ***@***.***; Robert Chen (***@***.***)
    Subject: RE: Case study instructions for the RDA-CODATA Interest Group on Legal Interoperability of Research Data
    Dear Colleagues,
    Attached is a draft of the RDA IG on Legal Interoperability of Research Data case study instructions. This document was iterated by the IG co-chairs, Bob Chen, Enrique Alonso and myself over the past week, but we would like your input before finalizing them later this month. In particular, we would like any feedback on the list of common issue areas that all the case studies would address.
    Please send any suggestions, comments or questions no later than Monday, 27 January. We hope to send the final draft by the end of the month.
    Paul F. Uhlir, J.D.
    Director, Board on Research Data and Information
    National Academy of Sciences, Keck-511
    500 Fifth Street NW
    Washington, DC 20001
    Tel.+1 202 334 1531; Cell +1 703 217 5143
    Skype: pfuhlir; Email: ***@***.***
    Web:; Twitter: @paulfuhlir


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