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Slides from webinar Diamonds are forever. On the benefits and challenges of Diamond Open Access publishing (October 29 2021)

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  • #139179

    The diamond journal publishing model implies publishing without author side payment, while still open access to anyone. An international study on Diamond Open Access journals was recently published ( The study gives an overview of the existing flora of Diamond Open Access journals, and all their scientific strengths and operational challenges.

    Also, recently, a study was done of the flora of University publishing services in Norway, of which most make use of the diamond model. The study is available in Norwegian language only (

    In this session, Per Pippin Aspaas, Senior Academic Librarian at UiT The Arctic University of Norway will present the findings from the Norwegian study (ASPAAS_OA-WEEK_2021_2910.pdf). Jeroen Bosman, University of Utrecht, and Bianca Kramer, University of Utrecht present the international study (202110 Stavanger – OA Diamond Study.pdf).



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