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Reminder- The Research Data Insider: Research Objects Explained -Towards FAIR-DOs On RO-Hub feb.9th

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  • #96735

    Live Kvale

    What are Research Objects?
    Join our webinar on the upcoming Friday February 9th:
    Get to know ROHub, a platform tailored for Research Objects (ROs). With ROHub, you can manage, share, and preserve your research materials more efficiently. It even has a built-in tool to guide you in improving the quality of your research. Anne will walk you through real-world examples of how FAIR and ROHub can benefit you.
    Key points: ROHub organizes your research into one accessible spot, making it easier to manage. Plus, it uses clear labels so both you and computers can make sense of your work
    Anne Fouilloux, Simula
    Anne Fouilloux is a Senior Research Engineer at Simula Research Laboratory. An active member of the Pangeo community that aims at promoting open, reproducible, and scalable science and leading the Galaxy Climate Science Workbench and the Nordic Earth System Modelling Hub.
    Join us on zoom:


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