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1st “Nordic workshop on FAIR data stewardship” (6-9 June, 2023)

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  • #98077

    We are proud to announce the first Nordic workshop on FAIR data stewardship (2023) on behalf of NeIC. This is intended for data professionals who wish to expand their skills and meet/discuss with likeminded colleagues across the Nordics and beyond.
    The full programme runs over 4 days and is divdeded into 2 parts (you can register for both or either course or workshop). The programme consists of (i) an advanced course (June 6-7) on FAIR ontologies engineering and data modelling with Prof. Giancarlo Guizzardi and (ii) a workshop (June 8-9) with emphasis on experience sharing from data stewards and a FAIRification use-case. The workshop is chaired by Luiz Bonino, who has previously tutored part of the introduction course on FAIR data stewardship and is associated with the international GO-FAIR office in Leiden.
    The advanced course is a unique opportunity to learn from the best (G.Guizzardi is among the most highly regarded capacities in Data modelling and semantic interoperability). It is intended for those who wish to learn and possibly work within data integration, semantic interoperability and ontologies. It includes a short introduction to the field of Conceptual Data Modelling, Taxonomy structures, Events, Model validation with patterns and anti-patterns and finally ontology implementation using gUFO.
    Location: Oslo, Norway
    Registration and full programme details here:

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