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RDA IE Spotlight interviews: HRB, SFI and RCSI

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  • #106380

    Timea Biro

    Dear all,
    RDA Ireland is committed to connect researchers and organisations working with data in Ireland, share and promote best practices in the field and the social and technical solutions developed by the Research Data Alliance. To better understand the national context, the RDA IE national node is reaching out to a series of organisations that have established themselves as drivers for the research data management, Open Science and Open Access movements. We are launching the Spotlight series of interviews in order to collect and share insights, learn about challenges and practical implementations, and gain a wider perspective on how the Irish contributions fit in the bigger picture at European and international levels.
    The first three Spotlight interviews were conducted with Dr. Patricia Clarke from the Health Research Board Ireland (HRB), Dr. Marion Boland from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and Andrew Simpson from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI).
    You can download / view the full interviews at
    Many thanks,
    On behalf of the RDA Ireland team

    Timea Biro | Project Manager, Digital Repository of Ireland
    Royal Irish Academy | 19 Dawson St. Dublin 2
    ***@***.*** | @dri_ireland |
    The Academy is subject to the FOI Act 2014, the Data Protection Acts 1988-2003 and 2018, GDPR (EU 2016/679) and S.I. No. 336/2011, EC Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulations. For further information see our website

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