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Next draft of the RDA EU TF paper on Sustainability

  • Creator
  • #112706

    Fotis Karagiannis

    Dear all,
    Following the feedback received during the previous two meetings (BoD and TF meeting), I have created a new version of the document. Attached you can find two versions:
    * With tracked changes (wtc), so that you can follow easier the changes (and don’t have to read the full thing again)
    * And a clean version
    The main changes:
    * Expanded the section on “RDA in Europe: National vs. European approaches” based on the recent discussions
    * Added a full section on RDA Europe 4 project based on Timea’s presentation (which I also attach)
    * Renamed the section “Sustainability elements” to “RDA Global sustainability challenges”
    * Added a section on “RDA Value proposition” and exploitable assets (adding the key points raised, plus also a couple of new ones for your review)
    * Added the SWOT analysis from RDA Europe 4.
    * Slightly updated “the proposed directions headings and text” trying to link them better with the previous sections
    * Slightly updated the recommendations sections
    * And I also added Juan in the TF members (although Juan was not a member, we decided to invite him at some point – hope is ok, please let me know)
    What’s missing:
    * The FAIR Implementation Expert Group section and anything else you would like to add in the Landscape analysis (Leif, Peter, let me know if you can write a paragraph)
    * We may need also a Conclusions and/or Exec Summary section (given that the document is now almost 30 pages ☹)
    * The financial part of the business plan for the next 5 years (but we are missing info here I think)
    * Further updates on recommendations (section not completed)
    Please have a look and let me know your comments if possible by Wednesday 22, so that I can integrate all further comments by Thursday or Friday next week.
    I know it still needs more work to be in good shape, but it may be good enough to share it as a draft with RDA Global and the EC to get the discussions going.
    Looking forward to your comments and advice,
    Thanks and kind regards

    Fotis Karayannis, Dr. Eng.
    RDA secretariat-OAB liaison
    ATHENA Research Center
    Phone: +30 211 1206 431
    Mobile: +30 6945 878784
    Skype: fotis71
    Twitter: fkarayan




  • Author
  • #131389

    Thanks a lot Fotis.
    I am back from my US trip and will read asap.
    Peter Wittenburg Tel: +49 15141858784 ***@***.***;
    Max Planck Computing and Data Facility
    RDA Europe Director
    – Show quoted text -From: Fotis Karagiannis [mailto:***@***.***]
    Sent: Freitag, 17. November 2017 02:45
    To: RDA Europe Task Force on Sustainability; RDA EU Board of Directors
    Subject: [Rdaeu-bod] Next draft of the RDA EU TF paper on Sustainability
    Dear all,
    Following the feedback received during the previous two meetings (BoD and TF meeting), I have created a new version of the document. Attached you can find two versions:
    * With tracked changes (wtc), so that you can follow easier the changes (and don’t have to read the full thing again)
    * And a clean version
    The main changes:
    * Expanded the section on “RDA in Europe: National vs. European approaches” based on the recent discussions
    * Added a full section on RDA Europe 4 project based on Timea’s presentation (which I also attach)
    * Renamed the section “Sustainability elements” to “RDA Global sustainability challenges”
    * Added a section on “RDA Value proposition” and exploitable assets (adding the key points raised, plus also a couple of new ones for your review)
    * Added the SWOT analysis from RDA Europe 4.
    * Slightly updated “the proposed directions headings and text” trying to link them better with the previous sections
    * Slightly updated the recommendations sections
    * And I also added Juan in the TF members (although Juan was not a member, we decided to invite him at some point – hope is ok, please let me know)
    What’s missing:
    * The FAIR Implementation Expert Group section and anything else you would like to add in the Landscape analysis (Leif, Peter, let me know if you can write a paragraph)
    * We may need also a Conclusions and/or Exec Summary section (given that the document is now almost 30 pages ☹)
    * The financial part of the business plan for the next 5 years (but we are missing info here I think)
    * Further updates on recommendations (section not completed)
    Please have a look and let me know your comments if possible by Wednesday 22, so that I can integrate all further comments by Thursday or Friday next week.
    I know it still needs more work to be in good shape, but it may be good enough to share it as a draft with RDA Global and the EC to get the discussions going.
    Looking forward to your comments and advice,
    Thanks and kind regards

    Fotis Karayannis, Dr. Eng.
    RDA secretariat-OAB liaison
    ATHENA Research Center
    Phone: +30 211 1206 431
    Mobile: +30 6945 878784
    Skype: fotis71
    Twitter: fkarayan

  • #131387

    Hi Fotis,
    Thanks a lot for the great work! I think this document already is a great piece of thinking and firm steps forward, and being anchored in a true landscape.
    I have a few general comments. I also used the track changes version of the document so I don’t know if you have addressed all concerns expressed in the margin?
    1) I share the concerns, which Silvana expressed that the document should not be long! I am not sure merging section 2.2 with section 4 makes things any better?
    2) Section 2 is very long and I agree that if the main push comes after that, our dear readers might be already lost before the recommendations come… Would it be possible to move parts of the section 2 to an appendix? The text is excellent but it is just too long…
    3) The main conclusions/recommendations must come earlier! Perhaps the conclusions/recommendations could be included already in the intro section?
    4) This might be a mental problem but as we are trying to address our European stakeholders in the first place it might not be a good approach to write the budgets all in dollars! If we only use dollars then we should have an explanation for doing so. The European contribution to RDA is significant and mentioning only dollars might hit us back!
    5) I might be wrong but I think some of the pictures in the document come from the RDA Europe 4 proposal. It should be mentioned.
    6) I support Silvana in that the section 4.3.2 should be extended and if we have some material meant for the Data Innovation Summit 2018 then that could be used. I hope the preparations for the Data Innovation Summit 2018 are going forward? In any case section 4.3 is a bit fluffy!
    7) The section 5 will need a lot more work and the elementary findings should be possible to read as early as possible in the document.

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