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Re: [rda-oab][synchronisation-assembly] Re: Collaboration and Bottom-up Approach

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    Mark Parsons

    I too support such workshops. Some of the WGs have had very successful workshops. It’s always good to have multiple options for community collaboration around diffferent themes.
    On 5May2016, at 5:50 AM, stotzka wrote:
    Dear Jamie,
    I really like the idea of “RDAx” events (although I would like to replace the place marker “x” by
    another letter 😉
    And it is already happening, see for example here (x=“/ADHO”):
    KIT >>>>>> Dr. Rainer Stotzka <<<<<<<<<< KIT
    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
    Institute for Data Processing and Electronics
    Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
    76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
    fon: +49 721 608 2 4738
    fax: +49 721 608 2 3560
    email: ***@***.***
    From: on behalf of Jamie Shiers
    Date: Thursday 5 May 2016 10:32
    To: Peter Wittenburg , “RDA Organisational Assembly / Organisational Advisory Board (OAB)” , “RDA Europe Synchronisation Assembly (SyA)”
    Cc: Hugh Shanahan , “***@***.***” , Mark Parsons
    , “Berman, Fran” , Simon CODATA , “Harrison, Andrew”
    Subject: [rda-oab][synchronisation-assembly] Re: Collaboration and Bottom-up Approach
    Dear Peter,
    As I have failed to explain what I mean by Collaboration, and as you emphasize the value and power of a bottom-up approach, let me make the following proposal:
    – We host at CERN an “RDA Collaboration Workshop” towards the end of next year;
    – It could be an “RDAx” event, by analogy with TedX, meaning “externally organised”;
    – I have more than two decades of experience in organising workshops from 40 to 200+ attendees, not just at CERN, but around the world (Victoria, New York, Taiwan, Mumbai, Karlsruhe, Munich(!), many places in Italy and elsewhere);
    – The workshop would complement “thematic” events that are currently being organised but could well synthesise the results from these and take them forward to the next step and to wider audiences.
    If successful (and I modestly predict it will be) similar events could be held at 9 – 12 month intervals around the globe.
    Cheers, Jamie
    (DPHEP Collaboration workshop organiser, former WLCG Collaboration workshop organiser, former RD45 Collaboration workshop organiser)
    On 04 May 2016, at 22:43, Peter Wittenburg wrote:
    Jamie also asked why the chairs meetings are only in the US and in EU – let me try to give an answer.
    Plenaries are “official meetings” while the chairs meetings started purely bottom-up. A couple of chairs found that they should meet and we organised a first one in Munich fully paid by MPG. After having discussed the focus we of course invited some chairs from the US since they were the experts on certain topics. There were no other chairs than from US and EU at that time. And please understand Jamie: RDA is a bottom-up organisation – we did not ask anyone for permission or so. We just did it to remove some barriers knowing that a chairs meeting may not interfere with the official RDA processes.
    Since this meeting was perceived as being very good, these crazy guys including me decided to go ahead with them. It is not quite fair but Ross, Andrew and the others may forgive us that until now no one came on the idea to travel around the globe. We want to try to keep them short and simple and kind of cheap. But as said yet no one asked to do one in China for example. Let’s make it also very clear: chairs meetings are small working meetings and you cannot get any big prestige with it.
    A poor answer of course, but I like the bottom-up way of RDA so much that I hope that all including you will forgive me and the others that we were and are not globally balanced 🙂
    PS: But let me ask you bluntly since you brought it up: Is there anything miss with the chairs meetings and the selection processes?

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